jQuery LightBox Plugins
Download Free jQuery Modal, Popup, Gallery Lightbox and Image & Content Lightbox plugins at our jQuery Lightbox Section. Page 2 .
Simple Performant Modal Box Plugin - jQuery Chaos Modal
- LightBox - 2230 ViewsChaos Modal is a flexible, fast, customizable, high-performance jQuery Modal Window plugin for any inline content.
Nested Modal Windows With Blurred Background - jQuery Modally
- LightBox - 4708 ViewsModally is an awesome jQuery nested modal plugin that allows your visitors to open another modal window in the current modal window.
Create Alert/Confirm/Toast Popups Using Bootstrap Modal - NewmcAlertConfirm.js
- LightBox - 1514 ViewsA simple yet fully customizable Bootstrap modal manager built using jQuery.
Display Image Galleries In A Fullscreen Lightbox - cwa_lightbox
- LightBox - 3728 ViewsA simple, lightweight lightbox plugin that provides an elegant way to showcase portfolios, products, and any image content with a stylish fullscreen gallery lightbox.
Responsive Image/Video Lightbox Gallery - jQuery LBT-Lightbox
- Gallery - 10129 ViewsA responsive and easy-to-use jQuery gallery lightbox plugin that provides a user-friendly way to showcase images and videos on your website or web application.
Minimalist Image Lightbox Plugin For jQuery & Vanilla JS - IMAGG
- LightBox - 888 ViewsAn extremely lightweight image lightbox library for both jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript that focuses on performance and user experience.
jQuery Dialog Box Plugin for Bootstrap - Bootbox
- LightBox - 38771 ViewsBootbox is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating alert, confirm and flexible dialog boxes using Twitter's bootstrap framework.
Create Dynamic Bootstrap 5/4 Dialogs With JavaScript
- LightBox - 1546 ViewsA jQuery Plugin that allows users to dynamically create multifunctional Bootstrap 5/4 modals without having to write any HTML code.
Ultra-easy Modal Window Plugin - jQuery Modalize
- LightBox - 829 ViewsA plain and straightforward jQuery modal window plugin that is easy to implement via anchor links and HTML data attributes.
Create Custom Alert/Confirm/Modal Popups With jQuery UI - Dialogs Manager
- LightBox - 7174 ViewsThis is a jQuery & jQuery UI based dialog manager to help you create custom alert popups, confirmation dialogs and modal windows on the webpage.
Alert/Confirm/Image/Video/Ajax Modal Plugin - jQuery SimpleModal
- LightBox - 1276 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin for creating draggable alert & confirm dialog boxes and image/video/AJAX modal windows.
Advanced Modal Popup Plugin - jQuery yBox
- LightBox - 7567 ViewsAn animated, easy-to-use, feature-rich, jQuery modal popup plugin for any web content such text, iframes, images, galleries, and much more.
Mobile-first Image Viewer In Modal Style - jQuery yzhanImageViewe
- LightBox - 3796 ViewsA responsive, mobile-friendly, jQuery based image viewer plugin that enables the visitor to view all grouped images in a fullscreen modal.
Fancy Modal Window With Particles Animation - jQuery svg-popup.js
- LightBox - 1059 ViewsA jQuery modal window plugin that comes with pretty awesome particles (confetti) open/close animations based on SVG shapes.
Full-featured Responsive Lightbox Plugin - jQuery rbox
- LightBox - 2298 ViewsA jQuery lightbox plugin that allows you to create various types of popups, such as image lightboxes, video popups, lightbox galleries, or any other custom popups.
Lightweight Animated Modal Popup Plugin - jQuery HR Content
- LightBox - 642 ViewsA lightweight, animated, responsive, customizable jQuery modal plugin that has the ability to overlay any web content on the top of the current page.
Beautiful Responsive Modal Dialog Plugin - jQuery XSAlert
- LightBox - 1601 ViewsA simple but highly customizable plugin for creating beautiful, responsive, themeable Alert/Confirm/Prompt dialog boxes with pretty CSS3 animations.
Responsive CSS3 Animated jQuery Modal Plugin - iziModal
- LightBox - 20535 ViewsiziModal is a simple, fast jQuery plugin which lets you create responsive, beautiful, highly customizable modal windows with CSS3 powered transition effects.
Concise Modal Window Built With jQuery And HTML/CSS
- LightBox - 1092 ViewsUse HTML, CSS, and a little bit of jQuery to create a minimal clean modal window that opens on click.
Beautiful Alert/Prompt/Confirm Dialog Alternative - jQuery.alert.js
- LightBox - 6198 ViewsA JavaScript popup window alternative that helps you create beautiful and customizable popup boxes for reminding something, confirming or denying something, or prompting the user for more information.