jQuery LightBox Plugins
Download Free jQuery Modal, Popup, Gallery Lightbox and Image & Content Lightbox plugins at our jQuery Lightbox Section. Page 9 .
Flexible Accessible Modal Plugin - jQuery modelo
- LightBox - 889 Viewsmodelo is a lightweight, responsive, accessible, simple-to-use jQuery modal box plugin that is easy to customize using your own CSS styles.
Responsive Accessible Modal Plugin With jQuery - Modaal
- LightBox - 9337 ViewsModaal is a simple yet robust jQuery plugin that helps you create responsive, accessible and fully customizable modal windows on the webpage.
Easy Bootstrap 4 Modal Creator With jQuery - modal_maker
- LightBox - 1084 ViewsYet another Bootstrap modal maker plugin that makes it easier to programmatically create custom Bootstrap 4 modal windows on the webpage.
iOS Style Popup Dialog Plugin With jQuery - mobile-layer
- LightBox - 2265 Viewsmobile-layer is a mobile-first jQuery popup plugin for creating iOS style loading indicators, toast messages, alert/confirm dialogs, top notification, action sheets, and scrollable pickers on the web app.
Basic HTML5 Video Lightbox Plugin - jQuery VideoPopup.js
- LightBox - 16711 ViewsThe VideoPopup.js jQuery plugin enables your visitors to open and play an HTML5 video in a customizable modal popup.
jQuery Script For Lightbox Display Of Gallery
- LightBox - 3973 ViewsA lightweight jQuery script for creating a gallery lightbox where your images will be opened in a modal popup with the ability to navigate between images by clicking next/prev buttons.
Super Simple jQuery Image Lightbox Plugin - stupidbox
- LightBox - 1748 Viewsstupidbox is a super tiny, CSS-less jQuery plugin which allows you to display images in a fullscreen, unobtrusive modal window with one JS call.
Easy Responsive Modal Dialog In jQuery - simple-modal
- LightBox - 5511 ViewsThis is a simple, lightweight, responsive jQuery modal & dialog plugin that loads content from inline content within the document.
Modern Multifunctional Modal Window Plugin - jQuery umodal
- LightBox - 2735 Viewsumodal is a lightweight, flexible, responsive, pretty clean jQuery modal window plugin for html contents, images, ajax contents and more.
Bootstrap 4 Modal Optimized For Mobile - bootstrap-modal-ios.js
- LightBox - 7233 Viewsbootstrap-modal-ios.js is an extension for Bootstrap 4 that prevents body scrolling and automatically adjusts background overlay when the Bootstrap 4 modal is opened on mobile devices.
Elegant Multifunctional Popup Plugin For jQuery - Focus.js
- LightBox - 2198 ViewsFocus.js is a lightweight, flexible, elegant jQuery popup plugin which helps you create modals, dialog boxes, alert notifications, and other popup-style windows on the web app.
Create Mobile-friendly Bootstrap 4 Modals With jQuery - bootstrap-fs-modal
- LightBox - 6892 ViewsA small (1kb) jQuery plugin that converts the long scrollable Bootstrap modal into a fullscreen modal window to improve the user experience on mobile devices.
Versatile Dialog Popup Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - simpleDialog
- LightBox - 3288 ViewssimpleDialog is a jQuery plugin to create responsive, customizable alert, confirmation dialog popups with Bootstrap modal components.
Basic Inline Modal Popup Plugin - ModalWindowJS
- LightBox - 2320 ViewsModalWindowJS is a jQuery based modal plugin for creating inline modal windows that pop up in front of other elements on the webpage.
Enlarge Gallery Images On Hover - jQuery hoverZoom
- Zoom - 5617 ViewshoverZoom is a simple, lightweight jQuery plugin for photo gallery that has the ability to enlarge and display gallery images in a popup when hovering over thumbnails.
Smooth Adaptive Modal Window Plugin - jQuery mt-popup
- LightBox - 1504 Viewsmt-popup is a jQuery popup plugin for creating fully responsive modal windows that dynamically adapt the screen width on window resize.
Simple Gallery Lightbox Plugin with jQuery and Bootstrap - Ekko Lightbox
- LightBox - 79804 ViewsEkko Lightbox is a jQuery plugin which allows you to create a gallery lightbox using Bootstrap modal dialog component.
Polaroid Like Photo Gallery/Lightbox Plugin - jQuery Galleroid
- Gallery - 2602 ViewsThe jQuery Galleroid plugin lets you create a responsive, polaroid-style photo gallery where the users are able to preview images in a lightbox popup with the ability to scroll through all images.
Customizable CSS3 Animated Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery
- LightBox - 1165 ViewsA minimal, clean, highly customizable jQuery modal dialog plugin which uses CSS3 for the awesome modal open/close animations.
Mobile-friendly Gallery Lightbox Plugin - jQuery DNlightBox
- LightBox - 3066 ViewsDNlightBox is a fully responsive, mobile-compatible jQuery gallery lightbox that automatically expands & shrinks the modal popup to fit the screen size.