iOS Style Popup Dialog Plugin With jQuery - mobile-layer

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License: MIT
iOS Style Popup Dialog Plugin With jQuery - mobile-layer

mobile-layer is a mobile-first jQuery popup plugin for creating iOS style loading indicators, toast messages, alert/confirm dialogs, top notification, action sheets, and scrollable pickers on the web app.

See It In Action:

How to use it:

1. Load the necessary jQuery library and the mobile-layer plugin's files in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/layer.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="js/mobileLayer.js"></script>

2. Load the BetterScroll for scrollable pickers (iOS style pickerview).

<script src="js/bscroll.min.js"></script>

3. Create a loading indicator that auto dismisses after 2 seconds.


4. Create a toast message that auto dismisses after 2 seconds.

$.toast('Toast Message',2000)

5. Create an alert dialog.

$.alert('Alert Message','Alert Title',function(){

6. Create a confirmation dialog.

$.confirm('Confirm Message','Confirm Title',function(){

7. Create a top notification bar that auto dismisses after 2 seconds.

$.toptip('Notification Message', 2000, 'custom-class')

8. Create an action sheet that popups from the bottom.

  title:'Choose A Language',
  onClose: function(){
      text: 'English',
      onClick: function(){
      text: '中文',
      onClick: function(){
      text: 'German',
      onClick: function(){


9. Create a modal window with custom buttons.

  title:'Modal Title',
  text: 'Modal Content',
  buttons: [
    {onClick: function(){console.log('A')}, text: 'A'},
    {onClick: function(){console.log('B')}, text: 'B'},
    {onClick: function(){console.log('C')}, text: 'C'},

10. Append a scrollable wheel picker to an input field.

<input type="text" name="" id="picker" value="Opt 1">
  title:'Choose An Option',
  cols: [
      values: ['Opt A-1', 'Opt A-2', 'Opt A-3', 'Opt A-4', 'Opt A-5', 'Opt A-6', 'Opt A-7', 'Opt A-8']
      values: ['Opt B-1', 'Opt B-2', 'Opt B-3', 'Opt B-4', 'Opt B-5', 'Opt B-6', 'Opt B-7', 'Opt B-8']

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by yellowSTA. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.