Feature-rich Dialog Popup Plugin In jQuery - Messi

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Feature-rich Dialog Popup Plugin In jQuery - Messi

Messi.js is a full-featured popup box plugin to display notices, alerts, confirm dialogs, toast messages, and image/AJAX lightbox on the webpage.

Designed to replace the native browser alert/confirm/prompt popup boxes. Aims to provide a better popup experience in modern web design.

How to use it:

1. To begin with, include jQuery library and the Messi plugin's files on the web page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/messi.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/messi.js"></script>

2. Create a basic dialog box with the Messi method.

new Messi('Your Message Here', {
    title: 'Title Here',
    // more options here

3. Create a toast style alert dialog that auto dismisses after a timeout (2 seconds in this example).

new Messi('Your Message Here', {
    title: 'Title Here',
    autoclose: 2000

4. Create a toast style alert dialog that auto dismisses after a timeout (2 seconds in this example).

new Messi('Your Message Here', {
    title: 'Title Here',
    autoclose: 2000

5. Default globale settings.

new Messi('Your Message Here', {

    // auto close after 'x' miliseconds
    autoclose: null,      

    // array of buttons, i.e: [{id: 'ok', label: 'OK', val: 'OK'}]                   
    buttons: [],

    // callback function after close
    callback: null,

    // center the dialog
    center: true,

    // show close button in the header title
    closeButton: true,      

    // content height                 
    height: 'auto',

    // custom title
    title: null,

    // info, warning, success, error
    titleClass: null,

    // modal mode
    modal: false,

    // modal opacity
    modalOpacity: .2,

    // content padding in pixels
    padding: '10px',

    // show the dialog after loaded
    show: true,

    // unload the dialog after hidden
    unload: true,

    // X and Y position
    viewport: {top: '0px', left: '0px'}, 

    // width
    width: '500px',

    // z-index
    zIndex: 99999

6. Or create an alert dialog with the Messi.alert method:

new Messi.alert('Alert Message', function(){
    // do something on close
},  {
    // options here

7. Create a confirm dialog with the Messi.ask method:

new Messi.ask('Confirm Message', function(){
    // do something on close
},  {
    // options here

8. Create an image lightbox with the Messi.image method:

new Messi.img('1.jpg', {
    // options here

9. Load an external page to the modal with the Messi.load method:

new Messi.load('ajax.html', {
    params: {}, // ajax parameters here
    // options here

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by marcosesperon. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.