Customizable CSS3 Animated Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery

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License: MIT
Customizable CSS3 Animated Modal Dialog Plugin For jQuery

A minimal, clean, highly customizable jQuery modal dialog plugin which uses CSS3 for the awesome modal open/close animations.

Key features:

  • Custom background overlay.
  • Custom close icon.
  • Supports any html content: text, images, etc.
  • Custom header/body/footer styles.
  • Custom confirm/cancel buttons.
  • Shows/hides header and footer.
  • Auto dismisses after a timeout.
  • Event handlers. Ideal for confirmation dialog.

How to use it:

1. Load the core stylesheet and animation CSS in the header section of the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/modal-dialog.css">
<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/modal-dialog-animate.css">

2. Load jQuery library and the main JavaScript right before the closing body tag.

<script src="" 
<script src="js/modal-dialog.js"></script>

3. Create a basic dialog on the webpage.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.'

4. Available options to customize the modal dialog.

new Dialog({
    dialogWidth: 'auto',
    dialogHeight: 'auto',
    dialogBorder: 'none', 
    dialogPadding: '0px 200px',
    dialogBgColor: '#FFF', 
    dialogClassName: undefined,
    dialogBorderRadius: 0,
    dialogAnimationIn: 'animated scaleFadeIn',
    dialogAnimationOut: 'animated scaleFadeOut'

5. Available options to customize the background overlay.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.',
    mask: true,
    maskBgColor: 'rgba(43, 46, 56, .9)',
    maskClassName: undefined,
    maskAniamtionIn: 'animated fadeIn', 
    maskAnimationOut: 'animated fadeOut',
    zIndex: 0

6. Available options to customize the header content.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.',
    head: true,
    fontSize: 20,
    fontColor: '#333',
    fontWeight: 'bold',
    textAlign: 'center',
    headClassName: undefined, 
    headPadding: '0 0 15px 0',
    headWidth: '100%', 
    headHeight: '60px',
    headLineHeight: 0

7. Available options to customize the body content.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.',
    body: true,  
    bodyPadding: '15px 20px', 
    bodyFontSize: 14,  
    bodyLineHeight: 1.5,
    bodyTextColor: '#919498',
    bodyTextAlign: 'center',
    bodyClassName: undefined

8. Available options to customize the footer content and action buttons.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.',
    footer: true, 
    footerPadding: '15px 0 20px 0', 
    buttonLineHeight: '43px',
    buttonFontSize: 14, 
    buttonClassName: undefined,
    buttonMargin: 40,
    buttonPadding: '0 41px',
    confirm:  true, // shows confirm button
    cancel: true, // shows cancel button
    confirmText: 'Okey',
    cancelText: 'Cancel',
    footerClassName: undefined

9. Available options to customize the close icon.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.',
    close: true,
    closePositionTop: 8, 
    closePositionLeft: 15,
    closePositionRight: 0,
    closeFontSize: 18,
    closeClassName: undefined

10. Decide whether to uses CSS3 transitions.

new Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.',
    animation: true // default: true

11. Create a temporary modal dialog that auto dismiss after a timeout (5 seconds in this example).

const dialog =  Dialog({
    title: 'Title',
    bodyContent: 'This is Body Content. <br/> Supports HTML content.'

setTimeout(() => {
}, 5000);

12. Available event handlers.

new Dialog({
    event: {
      close:    function() {},
      cancel:   function() {},
      confirm:  function() {}



  • Update modal-dialog.js

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by rainydaycode. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.