Dynamic Breadcrumb-style Table Of Contents Plugin - dynamicBreadcrumb

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Dynamic Breadcrumb-style Table Of Contents Plugin - dynamicBreadcrumb

dynamicBreadcrumb is a jQuery plugin used for generating a sticky breadcrumb-style table of contents that will auto update depending on the current page section you're viewing on.

How to use it:

1. Load the needed jQuery library and jQuery viewport plugin in your html document.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.viewport.mini.js"></script>

2. Load the jQuery dynamicBreadcrumb plugin's JavaScript and CSS files in the document.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.dynamicBreadcrumb.css">
<script src="jquery.dynamicBreadcrumb.js"></script>

3. Define the breadcrumb levels using CSS classes as displayed below:

<div id="headline_1" class="bcLevel1">
  <article id="headline_1_1" class="bcLevel2">
    <h3>headline 1.1</h3>
    <section id="headline_1_1_1" class="bcLevel3">
      <h4>headline 1.1.1</h4>
    <section id="headline_1_1_2" class="bcLevel3">
      <h4>headline 1.1.2</h4>
  <article id="headline_1_2" class="bcLevel2">
    <h3>headline 1.2</h3>
    <section id="headline_1_2_1" class="bcLevel3">
      <h4>headline 1.2.1</h4>
    <section id="headline_1_2_2" class="bcLevel3">
      <h4>headline 1.2.2</h4>

4. Create an empty nav element to place your breadcrumb links.

<nav id="breadcrumb"></nav>

5. Initialize the plugin.

var breadcrumb = $('#breadcrumb').initBreadcrumb();

6. Auto update/refresh the breadcrumb navigation as you scroll down/up the webpage.


7. Default plugin settings.

  levels: 3,
  slideDuration: 200,
  levelClassPrefix: 'bcLevel'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by HBTGmbH. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.