Automatic Table Of Contents Generator - jQuery autoContents.js

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Automatic Table Of Contents Generator - jQuery autoContents.js

autoContents.js a jQuery plugin that automatically generates a table of contents from all h2 elements found within the document and puts it after the h1 element.

How It Works:

  • Loop through every <h2> element within the document.
  • Assgin an unique ID to each <h2> element.
  • Generate an ordered list containing anchor links.
  • Add the table of contents after the <h1> element.

How to use it:

1. Just insert the autoContents.js script after loading the latest jQuery library and the plugin will do the rest.

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.slim.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/autoContents.js"></script>

2. Feel free to modify the script to fit your needs.

var fullString = "<div id='tableofcontents'><h2>Table Of Contents</h2><ol>";
var ID = 0;

$("h2").each(function () {
    element = $(this);
    content = element.text();

    element.attr("id", ID);

    fullString += "<li><a href= #" + ID + ">" + content + "</a></li>"; 

fullString += "</ol></div>"


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by DennisFriedl. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.