Animated Dynamic Radial Menu Plugin For jQuery - CircleMenu

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License: MIT
Animated Dynamic Radial Menu Plugin For jQuery - CircleMenu

CircleMenu is a fancy jQuery navigation plugin to dynamically render a fancy radial menu where the users are able to switch between menu items with a rotation animation.


How to use it:

1. Include the needed jQuery, Lodash.js and Tweenmax.js libraries on the html page.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/lodash.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/TweenMax.min.js"></script>

2. Include the jQuery CircleMenu plugin's JavaScript and style sheet on the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="circlemenu.css">
<script src="circlemenu.js"></script>

3. The basic html structure for the circle menu.

<div id="my-circle-menu" class="cm-container">
  <ul class="cm-items">
  <div class="cm-selected-container">
    <div class="cm-selected-label">
      <span><!-- First Menu Here --></span>
    <a class="cm-button cm-button-prev" type="button" title="Previous">&lt;</a>
    <a class="cm-button cm-button-next" type="button" title="Next">&gt;</a>

4. Define your own menu data for the circle menu.

var myData = [{
      label: 'Menu 0', 
      url: 'menu-0'
      label: 'Menu 1', 
      url: 'menu-1'
      label: 'Menu 2', 
      url: 'menu-2'
      label: 'Menu 3', 
      url: 'menu-3'

5. Render a basic circle menu on the page. Possible parameters:

  • target: target menu container.
  • data: your data array.
  • selectedByKey: sets the selected menu.
  • opt: option object, see below.
  • func: callback functions, see below.
// CircleMenu(target, data, selectedByKey, opt, func);
var myCircleMenu = new CircleMenu($('#my-circle-menu'), myData, 'menu-0', {key: 'url'}, OPTIONS, Callback);

6. Default plugin options.

  key: 'url',
  pageLoader: {
    target: null,
    key: 'url'

7. Callback functions available.

  onInit: function() {
  onChangeBegin: function() {
  onChangeComplete: function(d) {

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by mochamadArif. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.