Custom Contextual Menu In jQuery - RightClickMenu.js
File Size: | 29.5 KB |
Views Total: | 1057 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

RightClickMenu.js is a simple, flexible jQuery plugin to display a custom dynamic context menu when right clicking a DOM element.
How to use it:
1. Insert the JavaScript RightClickMenu.js
and Stylesheet RightClickMenu.css
into the web project.
<link href="RightClickMenu.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="" integrity="sha384-JUMjoW8OzDJw4oFpWIB2Bu/c6768ObEthBMVSiIx4ruBIEdyNSUQAjJNFqT5pnJ6" crossorigin="anonymous"></script> <script src="RightClickMenu.js"></script>
2. Initialize the plugin on an element you specify.
let myMenu = new RightClick('#container');
3. Add menu items contaning names, icons, shortcuts, enable/disable status, click hanlders to the context menu.
myMenu.addItems([ {name: 'Insert node', function: AddNode, icon: 'plus.png'}, {name: 'Update edge', function: UpdateNode, icon: 'x.png'}, {name: 'Delete edge', function: DeleteNode, icon: 'x.png', shortcut: 'Del'} ], [ {name: 'Print', function: AddNode, shortcut: 'Ctrl+P'}, {name: 'Save', function: AddNode}, {name: 'More', function: submenu, disable: true} ] );
4. Add sub-menus to the context menu.
let subsubmenu = [ [ {name: 'Option 1.1', function: AddNode}, {name: 'Option 2.1', function: AddNode} ], [ {name: 'Option 3.1', function: AddNode, icon: 'plus.png'} ] ] let submenu = [ [ {name: 'Option 1', function: AddNode}, {name: 'Option 2', function: AddNode}, {name: 'Option 3', function: subsubmenu, icon: 'plus.png'} ] ];
5. Customize the context menu by overriding the plugin settings.
myMenu.settings({ hoverColor: 'grey', hoverTextColor: 'white', color: 'white', textColor: 'red', shadow: true, width: 250, closeOnScroll: true });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by Neraaa123. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.