Minimal Accessible Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - aria-notifications

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License: MIT
Minimal Accessible Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - aria-notifications

aria-notifications is a lightweight, WAI-ARIA compliant jQuery notification bars to create fully customizable/accessible notification bars on the screen.


$ npm install t-aria-notifications --save

How to use it:

1. Include reference to jQuery library and the jQuery aria-notifications plugin's files before the closing body tag.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="aria-notifications.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="aria-notifications.js"></script>

2. Create the notification message in the webpage.

<div class="notification" id="default">
  <div class="notification__message">
    <p>Your changes were saved</p>

3. Initialize the aria-notifications plugin with default options.

  // options here

4. Show the notification on the screen.


5. Sometimes you might need a close button to dismiss the notification bar manually.

<div class="notification" id="dismiss">
  <div class="notification__message">
    <p>Product added to cart</p>
  <button class="notification__dismiss-btn" type="button" aria-label="Close notification">
    <span aria-hidden="true">x</span>

6. To change the default theme just add the following CSS classes to the notification messages:

<div class="notification" id="alert">
  <div class="notification__message notification__message_alert">
    <p>Your session is expired. Please login again</p>

<div class="notification" id="warning">
  <div class="notification__message notification__message_warning">
    <p>We have less than 10 pieces on stock.</p>

<div class="notification" id="succsess">
  <div class="notification__message notification__message_succsess">
    <p>Product added to cart</p>

<div class="notification" id="info">
  <div class="notification__message notification__message_info">
    <p><strong>Free shipping</strong>: add products for the value of 15 &euro; more to your cart and get free shipping.</p>

7. Config the plugin by overriding the options as displayed below and pass them to the ariaNotifications function.

  notificationVisibleClass: 'notification_visible',
  messageClass: 'notification__message',
  dismissBtnClass: 'notification__dismiss-btn',
  alert: false,
  timer: false, // auto hide after a timeout
  fadeInSpeed: 200,
  fadeOutSpeed: 800,
  cssTransitions: false // enable CSS transitions

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by DavideTriso. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.