Customizable HEX/HSL/RGB Color Picker Plugin - Colorpickle

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License: MIT
Customizable HEX/HSL/RGB Color Picker Plugin - Colorpickle

Colorpickle is an easy and customizable jQuery color picker plugin which enables the user to pick HEX/HSL/RGB colors from a pretty nice palette interface with draggable sliders. The color picker can be used inline or as a modal popup bound to an input field.

Install it via NPM:

$ npm install colorpickle

Basic usage:

1. Include the core stylesheet jquery.colorpickle.css and a theme CSS of your choice in the head section of the html document.

<link href="jquery.colorpickle.css" rel="stylesheet">
<link href="themes/colorpickle-theme-light.css" rel="stylesheet" >

2. Include jQuery library and the JavaScript file jquery.colorpickle.js at the end of the html document.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.colorpickle.js"></script>

3. The JavaScript to create an inline color picker.

<div id="demo-1"></div>

4. Attach the color picker to an input field.

<input type="text" id="demo-2" />
  clickToggle: true,
  visible: false

5. More configuration options with default values.


  // toggle the color picker on click
  "clickToggle": false,

  // close the color picker by clicking on OK button
  "closeOnOk": false,

  // close the color picker by clicking on Cancel button
  "closeOnCancel": false,

  // is draggable?
  "draggable": false,

  // initial RGB hex value
  "hex": null,

  // initial HSL value
  "hsl": null,

  // enable HSL sliders
  "hslSliders": true,

  // enable modal mode
  "modal": false,

  // or "hsl", "rgb"
  "mode": "hex",

  // is on top?
  "onTop": false, 

  // initial RGB value
  "rgb": [255, 140, 60],

  // enable RGB sliders
  "rgbSliders": true,

  // show cancel button
  "showCancel": false,

  // show hex color codes
  "showHex": true,

  // show ok button
  "showOk": false,

  // show the gradient showing the lightness and saturation varietes of the current hue
  "showSLGradient": true,

  // show color palette 
  "showSwatch": true,

  // custom Cancel text
  "textCancel": "Cancel",

  // custom Ok text
  "textOk": "Ok",

  // custom theme
  "theme": null,

  // is visible on init?
  "visible": true,

  // custom width
  "width": null


6. Event handlers available:


  "onCancel": null,
  "onChange": null,
  "onInit": null,
  "onOk": null,


7. API methods.

// Set the RGB hex value
$("#el").colorpickle(setHex, str hex);

// Set the HSL value
$("#el").colorpickle(setHSL, int h, int s, int l);

// Set the RGB hex value
$("#el").colorpickle(setRGB, int r, int g, int b);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hphaavikko. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.