Customizable jQuery & Bootstrap Pagination Plugin - Bootstrap Paginator

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Customizable jQuery & Bootstrap Pagination Plugin - Bootstrap Paginator

Bootstrap Paginator is a jQuery plugin which uses Bootstrap's pagination component to generate a fully customizable, client side pagination for your long web content. Bootstrap Paginator is licensed under the Apache Software Foundation License Version 2.0.

Basic usage:

1. To use this plugin you first need to include jQuery JavaScript library and Twitter's Bootstrap framework in your document.

<link href="bootstrap.min.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="bootstrap.min.js"></script>

2. Make sure to include the bootstrap-paginator.min.js after jQuery library.

<script src="js/bootstrap-paginator.min.js"></script>

3. Generate a basic pagination in your web page. In Bootstrap version 2 the pagination must be a div element. If you are using Bootstrap pagination 3, the pagination's wrapper must be an ul element. 

<div id="example"></div>
var options = {
    currentPage: 2,
    totalPages: 5


3. Customization options.

// container css class
containerClass: "",

// Controls the size of output pagination component. 
// small, normal, large
size: "normal",

// Controls the alignment of the pagination component. 
// left, center and right. 
alignment: "left",

// Specifies the major version number of bootstrap so that the plugin know how to render the pagination.
bootstrapMajorVersion: 2,

// list container class
listContainerClass: "",

// Returns a string class name when rendering a specific page item.
itemContainerClass: function (type, page, current) {
  return (page === current) ? "active" : "";

itemContentClass: function (type, page, current) {
  return "";

// The current page
currentPage: 1,

// How many pages should be rendered
numberOfPages: 5,

// Defines the upper limit of the page range.
totalPages: 1,

// Fills the href attribute when rendering the page items.
pageUrl: function (type, page, current) {
  return null;

// for page-clicked event
onPageClicked: null,

// for page-changed event
onPageChanged: null,

// Uses Bootstrap tooltip component
useBootstrapTooltip: false,

// Defines whether a page item should be shown. 
shouldShowPage: function (type, page, current) {

  var result = true;

  switch (type) {
  case "first":
      result = (current !== 1);
  case "prev":
      result = (current !== 1);
  case "next":
      result = (current !== this.totalPages);
  case "last":
      result = (current !== this.totalPages);
  case "page":
      result = true;

  return result;


// Plain text or html
itemTexts: function (type, page, current) {
  switch (type) {
  case "first":
      return "&lt;&lt;";
  case "prev":
      return "&lt;";
  case "next":
      return "&gt;";
  case "last":
      return "&gt;&gt;";
  case "page":
      return page;

// tooltip text
tooltipTitles: function (type, page, current) {

  switch (type) {
  case "first":
      return "Go to first page";
  case "prev":
      return "Go to previous page";
  case "next":
      return "Go to next page";
  case "last":
      return "Go to last page";
  case "page":
      return (page === current) ? "Current page is " + page : "Go to page " + page;

// Bootstrap tooltip options
bootstrapTooltipOptions: {
  animation: true,
  html: true,
  placement: 'top',
  selector: false,
  title: "",
  container: false

4. Public methods.

// shows the specified page

// shows the first page

// shows the previous page

// shows the next page

// shows the last page

// returns an array with extra attributes that indicate the current status of the page. 

// updates options
.bootstrapPaginator("setOptions", OPTIONS);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lyonlai. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.