Double Keypress Detection Plugin For jQuery - double-keypress

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License: MIT
Double Keypress Detection Plugin For jQuery - double-keypress

double-keypress is a useful jQuery plugin which can be used to detect and handle Doube Keypress event in your webpage. Supports both keydown and keyup events.

See also:

How to use it:

1. Put the main JavaScript file jquery.double-keypress.js after jQuery library like this:

<script src="" 
<script src="jquery.double-keypress.js"></script>

2. Specify the JavaScript event keycodes in the JavaScript. Visit the Keycode testing tool to get the JavaScript event keycode.

var keyCode = 17; // Ctrl

3. Trigger a function when the Ctrl key is double-pressed.


  $('body').dbKeypress(keyCode, function(e){

    alert('CTRL key was double-pressed');



4. Specify the trigger event.


    eventType: 'keydown', // or 'keyup'
    callback: function(e){
      alert('Ctrl key was double-pressed');


5. Set the interval in milliseconds.


    interval: 350, 
    callback: function(e){
      alert('Ctrl key was double-pressed');


6. The plugin also supports multiple keys.


  var keyCodes = [16, 17];

  $('body').dbKeypress(keyCodes, function(e){

    if(e.keyCode == 16) {

      alert('SHIFT key was double-pressed');

    } else if(e.keyCode == 17) {

      alert('CTRL key was double-pressed');




This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by SUKOHI. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.