Minimal Flash Message & Toast Notification Plugin - jQuery flash.js

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License: MIT
Minimal Flash Message & Toast Notification Plugin - jQuery flash.js

flash.js is a minimal yet customizable jQuery notification plugin for creating animated flash/toast messaging system to provide unobtrusive user feedback on the web application.


  • Custom text/background colors.
  • Custom position.
  • Auto hides after a duration time.
  • Or close by clicing the message body.
  • Configurable fade in/out animations.

How to use it:

1. Insert the minified version of the jQuery flash.js plugin after jQuery.

<script src="" 
<script src="flash.min.js"></script>

2. Create a default flash message that displays at the bottom right of the webpage and auto dismisses after 4 seconds.

flash('Default Flash Message');

3. Customize the flash message by passing the following options object as the second parameter to the flash function.

flash('Default Flash Message',{

  // background color
  'bgColor' : '#5cb85c',
  // text color
  'ftColor' : 'white',

  // or 'top'
  'vPosition' : 'bottom',

  // or 'left'
  'hPosition' : 'right',

  // duration of animation
  'fadeIn' : 400,
  'fadeOut' : 400,

  // click to close
  'clickable' : true,

  // auto hides after a duration time
  'autohide' : true,

  // timout
  'duration' : 4000

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by TheodorGeo. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.