Simple Accessible jQuery Color Picker Plugin - simplecolorpicker.js

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License: MIT
Simple Accessible jQuery Color Picker Plugin - simplecolorpicker.js

A lightweight, easy-to-use jQuery plugin used to generate a simple, accessible color picker with predefined colors for input field.


  • Keyboard support(up, down, left, right, tab, enter, esc)
  • Uses a text input, can be prepopulated with hex in value attribute
  • Supports multiple instances per page
  • Configurable through initialization or data attributes per element. Data attribute will override those passed to plugin which in turn will override defaults.

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library and the JavaScript file jquery.simplecolorpicker.min.js just before the closing body tag.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.simplecolorpicker.min.js"></script>

2. Create an input field for the color picker.

<input class="color-picker-input demo" value="" />

3. Call the function and done.


4. Default plugin options.


  // color used if input does not have a hex in the value attr.
  defaultColor: {name: 'default (white)', hex: 'fff'}, 

  // border width for input and picker box
  borderWidth: 1, 

  // width of the color cells
  cellWidth: 20, 

  // height of the color cells
  cellHeight: 20, 

  // border width of the color cells
  cellBorder: 1, 

  // overall width of the picker box
  elWidth: 25, 

  // height of the input
  elHeight: 25, 

  // # of cols
  cols: 5,

  // predefined colors
  colors: [
      {name: 'brown',  hex: '7a4100'},
      {name: 'green',  hex: '00aa00'},
      {name: 'red',    hex: 'cc0000'},
      {name: 'aqua',   hex: '039799'},
      {name: 'pink',   hex: 'b0307a'},
      {name: 'purple', hex: '762ca7'},
      {name: 'orange', hex: 'cc6600'},
      {name: 'gray',   hex: '555555'},
      {name: 'black',  hex: '000000'},
      {name: 'blue',   hex: '0000dd'}

  // icon position
  iconPos: 'right',

  // slide animation speed, set to 0 for no anim
  aniSpeed: 50, 

  // css class for the picker
  lsClass: 'color-picker-chooser', 

  // text shown in title attribute of input once a selection is made
  textCurrentColor: 'Current color: ' 


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by tomreid76. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.