jQuery Plugin For Sticky Draggable Notes On The Web - Post It All
File Size: | 74.9 KB |
Views Total: | 13671 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Post It All is a jQuery plugin which allows the visitor to create customizable, floating, draggable and resizable notes on the webpage.
- Drag and drop support based on jQuery UI.
- Allows to maximize and minimize note windows.
- WYSIWYG editor based on Trumbowyg.
- Tiny color picker based on Minicolors.
- Allows to save notes on client side using HTML5 local storage API.
- Also comes with a Chrome extension.
See also:
Basic usage:
1. Load jQuery library and other required resources in the webpage.
<!-- jQuery Library --> <script src="jquery.min.js"></script> <!-- jQuery UI --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui.css"> <script src="libs/jquery-ui/jquery-ui.min.js"></script> <!-- Trumbowyg editor --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="trumbowyg.css"> <script src="trumbowyg.min.js"></script> <!-- Minicolors --> <link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.minicolors.css"> <script src="jquery.minicolors.min.js"></script>
2. Download and include the jQuery Post It All plugin's JS and CSS files in the webpage.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="jquery.postitall.css"> <script src="jquery.postitall.js"></script>
3. Add a new sticky note in the top left corner of the webpage.
$.PostItAll.new("Hello World");
4. Global configurations to enable and disable features and change the notes behaviour.
$.fn.postitall.globals = { // Id note prefixe prefix : '#PIApostit_', // Options: domain, page, all filter : 'domain', // Save postit in local storage savable : false, // Random color in new postits randomColor : true, // Show or hide toolbar toolbar : true, // Animation efect on hover over postit shoing/hiding toolbar options autoHideToolBar : true, // Set removable feature on or off removable : true, // Confirmation before note remove askOnDelete : true, // Set draggable feature on or off draggable : true, // Set resizable feature on or off resizable : true, // Set contenteditable and enable changing note content editable : true, // Set options feature on or off changeoptions : true, // Postit can not be modified blocked : true, // true = minimized, false = maximixed minimized : true, // Expand note expand : true, // Allow to fix the note in page fixed : true, // Create a new postit addNew : true, // Show info icon showInfo : true, // Allow paste html in contenteditor pasteHtml : true, // Html editor (trumbowyg) htmlEditor : true, // Automatic reposition of the notes when user resize screen autoPosition : true, // Add arrow to notes : none, front, back, all addArrow : 'back' };
5. Note configurations for properties, style, features and events of the note.
$.fn.postitall.defaults = { // Note id id : "", // Creation date created : Date.now(), // Domain in the url domain : window.location.origin, // Page in the url page : window.location.pathname, // Browser informtion & OS name, osname : navigator.appVersion, // Content of the note (text or html) content : '', // Position absolute or fixed position : 'absolute', // x coordinate (from left) posX : '10px', // y coordinate (from top) posY : '10px', // x coordinate (from right). This property invalidate posX right : '', // Note total height height : 200, // Note total width width : 160, // Note resizable min-width minHeight : 210, // Note resizable min-height minWidth : 170, // Position when minimized/collapsed (internal use) oldPosition : {}, // Config note style style : { // General style in 3d format tresd : true, // Background color in new postits when randomColor = false backgroundcolor : '#FFFA3C', // Text color textcolor : '#333333', // Shadow in the text textshadow : true, // Default font fontfamily : 'verdana', // Default font size fontsize : 'small', // Default arrow : none, top, right, bottom, left arrow : 'none', }, // By default, copy of global defaults features : $.fn.postitall.globals, // Note flags flags : { // If true, the note cannot be edited blocked : false, // true = Collapsed note / false = maximixed minimized : false, // true = Expanded note / false = normal expand : false, // Set position fixed fixed : false, // Higlight note highlight : false, }, // Attach the note to al html element attachedTo : { // Where to attach element : '', // Position relative to elemente : top, right, bottom or left position : 'right', // Fix note to element when resize screen fixed : true, // Show an arrow in the inverse position arrow : true, }, // Triggered after note creation onCreated: function(id, options, obj) { return undefined; }, // Triggered on each change onChange: function (id) { return undefined; }, // Triggered when note is clicked, dragged or resized onSelect: function (id) { return undefined; }, // Triggered on double click onDblClick: function (id) { return undefined; }, // Triggered on the end of dragging and resizing of a note onRelease: function (id) { return undefined; }, // Triggered when a note is deleted onDelete: function (id) { return undefined; } };
6. API.
// Create a new note. // $(id).postitall('new', options, callback); $.PostItAll.new(content, options, object, callback); // Get or set the options of the created notes. // $(id).postitall('options'); // $(id).postitall('options',options); $.PostItAll.options(options); $.PostItAll.options(id,options); // Hide note. // $(id).postitall('hide'); $.PostItAll.hide(); $.PostItAll.hide(id); // Show note. // $(id).postitall('show'); $.PostItAll.show(); $.PostItAll.show(id); // Destroy a specific note or all the notes of your page. // $(id).postitall('destroy'); $.PostItAll.destroy(inline, storage, domain); // Change the global or note configuration. $.PostItAll.changeConfig(type, opt); // Restore global and/or note configuration to factory defaults. $.PostItAll.restoreConfig(type); // load and show all notes from the current domain/page. $.PostItAll.load(callback, callbacks, highlight); // save all the notes in the storage $.PostItAll.save(); // return in the callback function the number of stored notes of the current domain. $.PostItAll.length(callback);
v1.1.1 (2021-02-18)
- Upgrade jquery dependency to ~3.4.1
- Fix CSS issues with jquery UI
v1.1.0 (2018-01-22)
- Arrows hidden with default note configuration
v1.0.9 (2018-01-21)
- Css improvements & bug fixes
v1.0.9 (2016-08-31)
- bugfix
v1.0.8 (2016-08-30)
- Fixed Issue : "attachedTo" should support jQuery elements, not just selectors
v1.0.7 (2016-02-24)
- Improved hide-note feature
v1.0.6 (2016-02-10)
- Issues corrections
v1.0.5 (2016-01-03)
- Hide note feature & Hidden flag
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by txusko. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.