Free jQuery Accessible Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Accessible' are listed here.
Navigate Between Elements With Directional Buttons - jQuery Directional
- Menu - 152 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that allows visitors to navigate between elements with directional buttons and arrow keys.
WAI-ARIA Compliant Tooltip Plugin With jQuery - a11y_tooltips
- Tooltip - 1733 Viewsa11y_tooltips is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create accessible, progressively enhanced tooltips with support for ARIA attributes and keyboard interactions.
Tiny User-friendly Accessibility Tools - jQuery A11yKit
- Other - 344 ViewsA jQuery plugin that improves accessibility by implementing setting focuses, announcing content and selecting interactive elements.
Creating An Accessible Mega Menu with jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 30452 ViewsA jQuery navigation plugin for creating a keyboard and screen reader accessible mega menu on website which involves a lot of pages and/or products.
Zoom In/Out Text With A Range Slider - Content Zoom Slider
- Text - 4258 ViewsA tiny & easy accessibility tool that allows you to zoom in or out of web pages by simply dragging a range slider.
Floating Accessibility Tools Menu - jQuery open-accessibility
- Menu - 3310 ViewsA floating accessibility tools menu that can improve readability for users with disabilities.
Simple and Accessible Modal Plugin with jQuery and HTML5
- LightBox - 4817 ViewsA simple, flexible and accessible jQuery / HTML5 modal dialog plugin which uses ARIA attributes and roles to provide a universal experience on various screen readers and devices.
Accessible Accordion With jQuery And Bootstrap 4
- Accordion - 2025 ViewsAn accessible, user-friendly accordion component for Bootstrap 4 that makes it simple to navigate between accordion panels and accordion content using the keyboard.
Accessible Modal Popup With jQuery And CSS3
- LightBox - 1340 ViewsAn accessible and minimal modal popup that uses CSS/CSS3 to toggle the visibility and utilizes jQuery to add/remove ARIA attributes based on the current open/close status.
Accessible Data Picker Plugin For Bootstrap - ab-datepicker
- Time & Clock - 16072 Viewsab-datepicker is an accessible, highly-customizable, multi-language jQuery date picker plugin for Bootstrap that complies with the recommendations of the W3C WAI-ARIA Authoring Practices.
Change Font Size And Page Contrast - jQuery Accessibility Buttons
- Text - 9289 ViewsA jQuery plugin to create accessibility buttons that increase/decrease font size of your text and add/remove contrast of your webpage.
Increase & Decrease Font Size To Improve Accessibility - fontsize
- Text - 5899 Viewsfontsize.js is a tiny text resize plugin that allows the visitor to manually increase or decrease the font size of given elements within the document for better text accessibility.
Accessible Searchable Accordion Plugin - jQuery a11yAccordion
- Accordion - 3483 Viewsa11yAccordion is an advanced, accessible, filterable, configurable jQuery accordion plugin for expanding and contracting content within the webpage.
Simple Accessible Accordion In Vanilla JS - A11y-Accordion
- Accordion - 3221 ViewsA progressive enhancement JQuery Vanilla JavaScript plugin that adds keyboard navigation and WAI-ARIA roles to your accordion to make it more accessible for keyboard and screen reader users.
Beautiful Accessible Tooltip Plugin For jQuery
- Tooltip - 1340 ViewsA lightweight and accessible jQuery tooltip plugin for showing beautiful, customizable, WAI-ARIA compliant tooltip popups on matched elements.
Basic Accessible Accordion Plugin For jQuery
- Accordion - 2072 ViewsThis is a simple, small jQuery plugin which enables you to create configurable, WAI-ARIA compliant accordion systems from plain, semantic html markups.
Easy Accessible Accordion Plugin For jQuery - aria-accordion
- Accordion - 4823 Viewsaria-accordion is a lightweight jQuery plugin which helps you create customizable, accessible accordions with support for auto focus, fade animation, Aria attributes/roles and keyboard interactions.
Minimal Accessible Dropdown Plugin - jQuery Aria Dropdown
- Menu - 2155 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for creating accessible dropdown lists/menus that follow the Accessible Rich Internet Applications (WAI-ARIA) specification.
Accessible Character Counter Plugin For Text Field
- Form - 1650 ViewsThe Accessible Character Counter jQuery plugin will add an SMS-style character counter to the text fields it's attached to.
Responsive Accessible Tabs Plugin For jQuery - aria-tabs
- Other - 2685 Viewsaria-tabs is a lightweight jQuery plugin which helps you create a responsive, accessible tabs interface from plain HTML, with support for Aria attributes/roles and keyboard interactions.
Basic Accessible jQuery Content Carousel Plugin - Accessible Carrousel
- Slider - 6913 ViewsAccessible Carrousel is a jQuery content slider plugin that turns a group of DIV elements into an infinite-looping carousel with support for ARIA and keyboard interaction.
Accessible Responsive Modal Window with jQuery and CSS3
- LightBox - 2925 ViewsA jQuery plugin used for creating a responsive, accessible modal window (dialog box) that provides an universal experience on various screen readers and devices.
Fully Accessible Modal Window Plugin With jQuery - modal-window.js
- LightBox - 1244 Viewsmodal-window.js is a lightweight jQuery plugin that helps you create a fully accessible modal window for keyboard and screen reader users.
Lightweight Accessible Tabs Plugin For jQuery - Suntabs
- Other - 1317 ViewsSuntabs is a super tiny (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that generate an efficient and accessible tabs component from plain html.
Easy Accessible jQuery Tabs Plugin - accTabs
- Other - 1097 ViewsA jQuery plugin for rendering a fully accessible tabs component that uses WAI-ARIA roles and state markups to provide an universal experience on various devices.
Easy Accessible jQuery Accordion Plugin
- Accordion - 2431 ViewsA simple to use jQuery plugin intended to create accessible, highly customizable & styleable accordions with support for keyboard interaction and WAI-ARIA.
Lightweight Accessible Tooltip Plugin For jQuery
- Tooltip - 666 ViewsA super tiny jQuery plugin that uses ARIA attributes to create simple, cross-platform, and fully accessible tooltips on hover or focus.