Free jQuery Thumbnail Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'Thumbnail' are listed here.
Creative Image Carousel Plugin - jQuery H-Smart-Thumbnail
- Slider - 6537 ViewsH-Smart-Thumbnail is a creative slider plugin that enables the user to preview large images in a tooltip-style carousel popup when you click the thumbnail image.
jQuery Plugin For Pretty Image Slider With Thumbnails - desoSlide
- Slider - 44953 ViewsdesoSlide is a simple but pretty jQuery plugin for creating fully customizable image slides with thumbnails and smooth transition animations.
jQuery Plugin For Dynamic Thumbnail Generator With Correct Aspect Ratio - Thumbnail Cut
- Other - 9125 ViewsThumbnail Cut is a minimalist jQuery plugin used to generate thumbnails by cropping and centering images with correct aspect ratios.
Fotorama - Simple Photo Album Plugin
- Gallery - 18154 ViewsFotorama is a Simple new impressive jQuery photo album plugin.It can help you create a simple and nice looking javascript gallery with intuitive controls, and great browser compatibility.
Minimalist jQuery Image Gallery with Thumbnails
- Gallery - 60077 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin to create a super clean product gallery which allows you to switch between images by clicking on the thumbnails.
Lightweight jQuery Web Gallery with Thumbnail Slider - Logos Gallery
- Gallery - 16859 ViewsLogos Gallery is a lightweight jQuery & CSS3 based gallery/slideshow which allows you to infinitely navigate through a group of images by clicking on the thumbnails.
Create A Fullscreen & Responsive Image Gallery with jQuery
- Gallery - 34785 ViewsjQueryGallery is a lightweight jQuery plugin which allows you to create a fully responsive & full page image gallery with a thumbnail carousel.
Stylish jQuery Image Gallery Plugin - Super Gallery
- Gallery - 7493 ViewsSuper Gallery is an easy-to-use and cross-browser jQuery plugin for creating a stylish image gallery with thumbnails preview and smooth transition effects.
Vertical jQuery Product Photo Gallery - PhotoGallery
- Gallery - 12196 ViewsPhotoGallery is a jQuery based photo gallery for showcasing you product images with thumbnails and fancybox plugin integrated to provide image zoom functionality.
Vertical Fullscreen Image Slider with jQuery - Fullscreen Slider
- Slider - 6078 ViewsFullscreen Slider is a lightweight and simple plugin for creating a fullscreen slider with thumbnails and arrows navigation.
Simple Clean jQuery Vertical Product Image Gallery
- Gallery - 26107 ViewsA minimal jQuery based image gallery that has the ability to display the full size of an image on the right size of thumbnails.
Clean and Multi-Functional jQuery Gallery Plugin - kGallery
- Gallery - 12109 ViewskGallery is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that enables you to create a clean photo gallery with thumbnails preview and some controls.
Touch Friendly Mobile Gallery Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - touchTouch
- Gallery - 4307 ViewstouchTouch is a clean and responsive jQuery gallery plugin which helps you to create an amazing Touch-Friendly image gallery with smooth CSS3 animations and lightbox effect.
Elegant jQuery Slideshow with Thumbnails Bar Plugin- PhotoCradle
- Slideshow - 12202 ViewsPhotoCradle is a nice and powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to create multiple image gallery sideshows with thumbnail Bars.
Highly Customizable Carousel For jQuery - rondell
- Slider - 15920 Viewsrondell is a jQuery plugin for allows you to display images and other content in a nice way.
Simple jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Thumbnail Navigation - MicroSlider
- Slider - 15286 ViewsMicroSlider is a lightweight and fast jQuery plugin for creating a clean image slider with auto-play functionality and configurable transition effects.
Tiny jQuery Image Gallery Plugin For Mobile Devices - imageFlip
- Gallery - 11487 ViewsimageFlip is a jQuery and jQuery mobile based plugin that enables you to create a simple image gallery that supports Swipe, Gesture, and button navigation.
Responsive jQuery Slideshow with 3D CSS3 Transforms - Refine Slide
- Slideshow - 32457 ViewsRefineSlide is a responsive and stunning jQuery plugin for creating a slideshow with a lot of cool 3D transform & CSS3 transition effects and thumbnails preview.
Responsive Lightbox Gallery Plugin with jQuery and HTML5 - superbox
- Gallery - 5976 Viewssuperbox is a responsive and lightweight jQuery plugin that allows to create a thumbnail gallery with expandable lightbox effect using jqueyr and html5 data-* attributes.
Clean and Simple jQuery Slideshow Plugin
- Slideshow - 3521 ViewsA super simple and clean jQuery plugin for creating a image slideshow with thumbnails and cool transition effects for showcasing the feature content of your website.
Lightbox like Image Gallery Viewer Plugin - gallerie
- Gallery - 1876 Viewsgallerie is a jQuery gallery plugin that allows you to create a lightbox like image gallery viewer for showcasing a group of images with thumbnails and image overlay captions.
Stylish Featured Content Slideshow Plugin - desSlideshow
- Slideshow - 2419 ViewsdesSlideshow is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery slideshow plugin which allows you to create a stylish slideshow with animated navigation buttons for displaying featured content/images of your website.
jQuery Plugin for Creating Thumbnails From High-Res Images - NailThumb
- Gallery - 11110 ViewsNailThumb is an useful jQuery plugin that helps you to automatically generate thumbnails from High-Res Images for your image gallery.
jQuery Plugin For Thumbnail Grid with Expanding Preview
- Layout - 8655 ViewsIn today's tutorial we're going to create a thumbnail Grid with expanding preview using jQuery and HTML5 data- attribute. Written by MARY LOU, good for your showcase website.
Awesome Responsive LightBox Plugin For jQuery - VisualLightBox
- LightBox - 7491 ViewsVisualLightBox is a Cross-browser, responsive, and mobile-friendly jQuery plugin that allows you to create image galleries with thumbnails and 30+ awesome lightbox overlay effects.
jQuery Portfolio Plugin with Thumbnail Growing Effect
- Gallery - 7988 ViewsA Portfolio Plugin built with jQuery, HTML5 and CSS3 that features an interesting growing effect.
jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Thumbnail and Transition Effects - Quake Slider
- Slider - 4504 ViewsQuake Slider is a jQuery Image Slider Plugin with Thumbnail that lets you easily create powerful jQuery slider with 40+ transition effects. Enhance your website by adding a unique and attractive slider. It comes with 3 themes: dark-room, pla
Fast Performing Photo Gallery Plugin - Galleriffic
- Gallery - 16875 ViewsGalleriffic is a simple and multifunction jQuery Gallery Plugin for creating rich, fast-performing photo galleries on your webpage.
Content Slider Plugin - Awkward Showcase
- Slider - 3798 ViewsAwkward Showcase is a jQuery Plugin for creating a slider on your webpage to slide the content. You can add tooltips, enable thumbnails, activate dynamic height and lots more.
3D Thumbnail Paper Folding Effect
- Animation - 6298 ViewsA 3D Thumbnail Paper Folding Effect with CSS3 and jQuery, which can be used to create a cool 3D Paper Folding Effect when mouse hovers over the item.
Adaptive Thumbnail Pile Effect with Automatic Grouping
- Gallery - 2719 ViewsThis experimental jQuery plugin allows the automatic grouping of thumbnails using a pile effect.
Fullscreen Image Gallery with Thumbnail Preview
- Gallery - 5662 ViewsA Fullscreen jQuery Image Gallery plugin with Thumbnails Preview.
Amazing Thumbnail Zoom Plugin With Sliding Captions
- Zoom - 5988 ViewsHover over the images and you will see an amazing thumbnail effects with zoom And sliding captions.
Cool Thumbnail Spotlight Effect With Jquery
- Slideshow - 2100 ViewsJust hover over the Thumbnail and you will see an amazing Spotlight Effect.
Thumbnail Proximity Plugin
- Gallery - 1455 ViewsThumbnail Proximity Plugin with jQuery & CSS3 using "proximity-event" is written by James Padolsey that allows you to create a Gallery which can scale thumbnails when hovering over them or scale their neighbouring thumbnails proportionally t
Flexible Slidershow with Thumbnail
- Slideshow - 1710 ViewsA modern Flexible Image slideshow with a thumbnail preview.
Kort - Compact Photo Gallery With Thumbnail Preview
- Gallery - 1244 ViewsKort is a compact jquery plugin built with Kort.js that allows you to display your Photo Gallery with Thumbnail Preview.
Gamma Gallery Responsive Image Gallery
- Gallery - 9782 ViewsGamma Gallery is a Responsive Image Gallery Plugin with thumbnails carousel, which creates an image gallery that uses a similar responsive images approach to the proposed picture element.
Orbit jQuery Image Slider Plugin
- Slider - 11742 ViewsZURB's Orbit Slider is a jQuery Image Slider built with jQuery Library.
Navigation Gallery with Scrollable Thumbnails
- Gallery - 3054 ViewsAn extraordinary Jquery gallery plugin with scrollable thumbnails that slide out from a navigation.
Johnpolacek Responsive Gallery Plugin with Thumbnail
- Gallery - 3113 ViewsJohnpolacek is a jQuery Responsive Thumbnail Gallery Plugin whicn can help you create image galleries that scale to fit their container.