Free jQuery star rating Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'star rating' are listed here.
Full-featured Star Rating Plugin For jQuery & Vanilla JavaScript - Raty
- Other - 15460 ViewsAn easy, flexible JavaScript plugin that turns any DIV elements into a fully configurable star rating component
Highly Customizable Rating Plugin For jQuery - Rateit.js
- Other - 11006 ViewsRateit.js is a simple, easy jQuery plugin that helps you generate a highly customizable star rating control from any elements using HTML5 data attributes.
10 Best Rating Systems In JavaScript & Pure CSS (2024 Update)
- jQuery Script Blog - 39922 ViewsThis is a list of 10 best/top downloaded JavaScript/CSS rating systems and jQuery rating plugins for creating interactive star rating controls on the web app.
Easy Star Rating System With jQuery And Font Awesome - star-rating.js
- Other - 8903 ViewsA simple, lightweight, responsive, customizable, nice-looking star rating system built with jQuery and Font Awesome iconic font.
Simple Star Rating Input Plugin - jQuery rating.js
- Form - 2773 ViewsA really simple and lightweight jQuery star rating plugin that stores the rating value in a hidden input field.
Lightweight Rating System With Custom Images - jQuery Rates
- Other - 1709 ViewsA simple and lightweight jQuery rating plugin for you to use on your website, which is highly customizable and allows users to rate different elements on a page.
Simple jQuery Star Rating System For Bootstrap 5/4/3
- Other - 144798 ViewsYet another jQuery star rating plugin that converts a number input to a star rating widget using Bootstrap 5/4/3 styles and glyphs.
Collect Negative And Positive Feedback With Review Gate Plugin
- Other - 2093 ViewsA jQuery plugin designed for capturing customer feedback to help build better products and enhance the customer service experience.
Select And Font Awesome Based Star Rating Plugin For jQuery
- Other - 3279 ViewsJust another jQuery, select based star rating system which allows you to use any Font Awesome 4 icons for rating symbols.
Star Rating Plugin With Fractional Rating Support - jsRapStar
- Other - 5764 ViewsjsRapStar is a lightweight, flexible, interactive, customizable jQuery star rating plugin which can be used to display fractional star ratings.
Adorable Star Rating Control With jQuery And CSS3
- Slider - 1723 ViewsAn adorable five star rating control that makes uses CSS3 animations to animate SVG based star symbols when ranking things such as articles, products, movies, reviews, etc.
Lightweight Rating System With Custom Icons - jQuery Rating.js
- Other - 11585 ViewsA lightweight, flexible, mobile-compatible, jQuery based rating system that supports custom star icons, 0.5 fraction, click event handler, and much more.
SVG Based Star Rating Plugin For jQuery - star-rating-svg.js
- Other - 15872 ViewsA lightweight jQuery plugin for rendering a SVG based star rating system on your webpage that supports for arbitrary star fractions, variable star sizes and colors.
Easy Star Rating Control Based On Radio Buttons - Star Rating
- Other - 4090 ViewsAn easy-to-use and progressive enhancement star rating system built using jQuery library and radio buttons.
Displaying Product Ratings With jQuery - jStars
- Other - 4048 ViewsjStars is an ultra-small jQuery plugin which displays customizable star ratings on products, articles, posts, services, shops, etc.
Simple Customizable Star Rating System - jQuery fxss-rate
- Other - 7347 Viewsfxss-rate is a small yet fully customizable jQuery rating system that enables your visitor to rate your article/product/post with SVG based stars. Supports half star and fractional rating.
Responsive Customizable Star Rating System - jQuery hillRate
- Other - 3021 ViewsThe jQuery hillRate plugin helps developers to implement a responsive, highly customizable star rating system on the web app.
Basic Product Rating System - ArtaraxRatingStar
- Other - 2291 ViewsArtaraxRatingStar is a small jQuery plugin used to rate desired products using a 1-5 star rating system.
Flexible Star Rating Widget with jQuery and SVG - rateYo
- Other - 7841 ViewsrateYo is a jQuery plugin to create a star rating widget that allows to fill the background color of the un-rated part of an SVG based star on mouse hover.
Small Rating Controls With Custom Icons - jQuery RatingStars
- Other - 1909 ViewsRatingStars is a small and blazing fast jQuery rating plugin used to view and submit ratings using stars or something else.
Minimal Rating Plugin With jQuery And Material Icons - star.rating.js
- Other - 2780 Viewsstar.rating.js is a super tiny jQuery plugin for rendering a simple rating system that uses Material Icons as rating stars.
Net Promoter Score Rating Plugin With jQuery - ffrating.js
- Other - 2861 Viewsffrating.js is a JQuery plugin used to generate highly customizable star rating and Net Promoter Score (NPS) rating controls form regular input fields.
Minimal HTML List Based Star Rating Plugin - jQuery StarRating
- Other - 3160 ViewsStarRating is a really small jQuery rating system plugin which converts a standard HTML unordered list into a star rating control using Font Awesome for rating symbols.
Input Field Based Star Rating Plugin With jQuery - simple-rating
- Other - 8658 ViewsA dead simple jQuery plugin that converts a normal input field into a 5-star quality/product/post rating system using Font Awesome icons.
Animated Configurable Star Rating Plugin - jQuery gRating
- Other - 1671 ViewsgRating is a simple jQuery rating plugin which adds an animated, configurable star rating control with custom CSS styles to your posts, products, articles and more.
SVG Based Star Rating Control With jQuery - Simple Rater
- Other - 3669 ViewsA simple yet customizable jQuery star rating plugin that uses SVG based rating symbols and supports any fraction of rating value like 1.1, 2.2, 3.3.
CSS3 Animated Star Rating Plugin For jQuery - voteStar.js
- Other - 3020 ViewsA simple, animated jQuery star rating jQuery plugin which uses CSS3 transitions to smoothly update the rating control on click.
Minimal Rating Input Plugin For jQuery - rating.js
- Form - 2500 ViewsA minimalist jQuery 5-star rating plugin which uses Font Awesome iconic font and any text input field.
Star Rating Feedback Plugin For jQuery - feedbackBars.js
- Other - 3428 ViewsfeedbackBars.js is a very small jQuery plugin that lets you create a star rating feedback system with review/comment support.
Small Flexible Rating System With jQuery - ratingbox.js
- Other - 1434 Viewsratingbox.js is a simple, lightweight, flexible jQuery star rating plugin used for rating products, images, software, users on your webpage.
Dynamic Select Based Rating Plugin For jQuery - star-rating.js
- Other - 11289 ViewsJust another jQuery star rating plugin which converts the normal select element into a pretty simple rating system. When the user clicks on a star, the value of your choice is selected just like a select option. How to use it: 1. Load the r
Lightweight Star Rating Plugin With jQuery And Glyphicons - J-Rating
- Other - 2118 ViewsJ-Rating is a lightweight, simple-to-use jQuery plugin that helps you implement a star rating control using radio buttons and Bootstrap's Glyphicons.
Feature-rich Star Rating Component With jQuery - ratings.js
- Other - 1436 ViewsYet another jQuery plugin for generating an HTML5 rating control from any element that features fractional star fill and custom rating icons.
Simple Cross-browser jQuery Star Feedback / Rating Plugin - StarWarsJS
- Other - 1767 ViewsStarWarsJS is a lightweight and simple to use jQuery plugin to set stars for feedback.
Google Material Rating Plugin With jQuery - star.rating.js
- Other - 2342 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin used to generate a simple star rating control using Google's Material Icons.
Small Star Rating Plugin With jQuery - rating.js
- Other - 3688 Viewsrating.js is a really small jQuery plugin which lets you render star rating controls using text fields and CSS image sprites.
Easy Five-Star Rating Plugin with jQuery and Font Awesome - starrr
- Other - 20585 Viewsstarrr is a very lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a five-star quality rating widget that uses Font Awesome Icon Font for rating symbols.
Tiny Customizable Star Rating Plugin For jQuery - Ratyli
- Other - 1439 ViewsRatyli is a simple, lightweight yet highly customizable jQuery / HTML5 rating system which can be configured with JavaScript or datasets.
Simple Star Rating Plugin with jQuery and Font Awesome - Raterater
- Other - 10046 ViewsRaterater is an easy-to-use jQuery based 5 star rating widget that uses Font Awesome 4 for scalable & styleable star icons.
Small Custom Star Rating Plugin For jQuery - Stars.js
- Other - 3509 ViewsStars.js is a jQuery plugin for generating a star rating system that allows any icon fonts, variable star sizes, colors and init values.