Clean Customizable Graph & Chart Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Graphly

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Clean Customizable Graph & Chart Plugin with jQuery and Canvas - Graphly

Graphly is a lightweight jQuery plugin to render an Canvas based graph & chart from your data constructed in a Javascript file. The plugin is designed to be highly customizable and supports various types of charts such as bar chart, line chart, and much more.

Basic usage:

1. Include the latest jQuery library together with jquery.graphly.min.js into your document.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/jquery.graphly.min.js"></script>

2. Create an canvas element where you want to render a chart.

<canvas id="demo"></canvas>

3. Create the data for a basic bar chart following the data structure as follows.

$(function() {
var basic_graph_data = {
xLabel: 'Month',
yLabel: 'Closing Price',
groups: [
label: 'Months',
values: [
label: 'Jan',
value: 120.20
label: 'Feb',
value: 110.73
label: 'Mar',
value: 115.04
label: 'Apr',
value: 80.14
label: 'May',
value: 63.44
label: 'Jun',
value: 68.49
label: 'Jul',
value: 56.85
label: 'Aug',
value: 59.72
label: 'Sep',
value: 54.44
label: 'Oct',
value: 79.24
label: 'Nov',
value: 81.71
label: 'Dec',
value: 92.59


4. Call the plugin on the canvas element.

$('#demo').graphly({ 'data' : basic_graph_data });

5. Default settings.

'data'          : null,
'type'          : 'bar',
'paddingTop'    : 1,
'paddingLeft'   : 1,
'paddingBottom' : 1,
'paddingRight'  : 1,
'showLabels'    : true,
'showLegend'    : true,
'width'         : null,
'height'        : null,
'theme'         : 'default',
'removeBorders' : false,
'customTheme'   : null

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by rastating. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.