jQuery Form Plugins
Download Free jQuery Form Validation, Input Mask, Select, Checkbox, Radio Button, Textarea and other form element enhancement plugins at our jQuery Form Plugin section. Page 72 .
jQuery Multiple Select Element Replacement Plugin - selectlist
- Form - 10633 ViewsjQuery selectlist plugin is a alternative to the standard form multiple select element that displays the customizable selected items below the drop down select list.
jQuery Tunable Check/Radio Box Plugin - Tunable Radiobox
- Form - 576 ViewsTunable Radiobox is a lightweight jQuery plugin that enables you to create tunable check box or radio box with CSS3 to make your form elements look nice.
jQuery Plugin for Easy HTML5 Form Validation - Validatr
- Form - 1780 ViewsValidatr is a simple, easy-to-use and Cross Browser jQuery plugin for native form validation by using modern HTML5 input attributes.
jQuery Password Checking and Notification Plugin
- Form - 3013 ViewsjQuery Password is a jQuery based plugin that checks/scores the password strength your user input, and then shows the strength problem of the password.
jQuery Plugin for Custom Form Elements - Custom Forms
- Form - 3441 ViewsCustom Forms is a fast and lightweight jQuery Plugin that helps you create accessible and beautiful custom form elements like select, input, radio and check box on your website.
jQuery Super Labels Plugin with Label-Over-Field Method
- Form - 499 ViewsA sexy jQuery Super Labels Plugin that makes the label slide across the field when gaining focus and fade out when a value is entered.
Simple Form Validation Plugin with HTML5 and jQuery
- Form - 1969 ViewsA simple and easy to use jQuery Form Validation plugin for validating data in HTML forms using HTML5 data- attribute before submitting.
Multi Select Checkboxes Using A Custom Key - groupAndSelectChecks
- Form - 684 ViewsgroupAndSelectChecks is a jQuery plugin that allows you to select or deselect a range of checkboxes with a custom key.
jQuery Arrow Increment/Decrement Input Fields Plugin
- Form - 5652 ViewsA simple but useful jQuery form plugin that allows using UP and Down arrows to increase or decrease the values within the Input fields your users type.
Versatile HTML5 Form Verification Plugin - html5form
- Form - 1242 Viewshtml5form is a versatile and fast jQuery Form plugin that easily implements HTML5 form verification functionalitys to your form elements.
jQuery Plugin for Adding Custom Value to Dropdown List - Custom Combo Box
- Form - 10931 ViewsCustom Combo Box is a lightweight and useful jQuery plugin that allows your users to add custom values to dropdown list according to their practical requirements.
Clone Input Boxes with One Click - clonebox
- Form - 2606 Viewsclonebox is a simple but useful jQuery plugin that clone input boxes easily with add/remove button.
Sliding Feedback Box Plugin with jQuery - feedBackBox
- Form - 32569 ViewsfeedBackBox is a jQuery plugin that allows you to quickly add a sliding feedback box on you website.
Simple Math Captcha Plugin for jQuery - ebcaptcha
- Form - 18711 Viewsebcaptcha is a simple jQuery plugin that make it easy to add a Simple Math Captcha to your form to ensure that the response is generated by a human being.
jQuery Plugin For Checking All The Checkboxes - checkallbox
- Form - 2188 ViewsA simple but useful jQuery plugin that offers a check all button for users to check all the checkboxes with one click.
jQuery Plugin For Auto Saving Form Values
- Form - 2834 ViewsA simple and User-Friendly jQuery plugin that periodically saves form values your users input to avoid data lose when they accidently refresh, close or leave the page.
Simple Char Counter For Inputs and Textareas
- Form - 1249 ViewsA simple jQuery plugin that attachs a character counter to your form input or textarea elements to limit the maximum length of user input.
Pinterest Like Glowing Input Fields with CSS3
- CSS3 & Html5 - 3132 ViewsIn this tutorial, we will create a Pinterest Like login form that adds a glowing effect to the boder of input field on focus.
HTML5 Signup Form with Dynamic Captcha
- Form - 30603 ViewsIn this tutorial we will create a HTML5 Signup Form with dynamic captcha, which slides into the form after everything else is completed.
Standard Select Form Replacement Plugin - Selectik
- Form - 1742 ViewsSelectik is a replacement based on jQuery for Standard Select Form elements. Selectik helps you create an easy-to-use, cross-browser and completely customizable selects with CSS.