Lightweight Responsive Image Gallery Plugin - Knack

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Lightweight Responsive Image Gallery Plugin - Knack

Knack is a simple, lightweight responsive jQuery gallery plugin for showcasing your favorite images in an elegant way.


  • Auto mode: auto rotates through a set of images at a certain speed.
  • Manual mode: manually switches between images like a traditional slider.
  • Full mode: browses images in a fullscreen view.
  • Quick view mode: allows you to browse all thumbnails.

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library and the jQuery Knack plugin's JS & CSS files into your web project.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="knack.css">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="lib/knack.js"></script>

2. Add the images with descriptions into a JS array as follow:

var images = [
    ["image1.jpg","This is image 1."],
    ["image2.jpg","This is image 2."],
    ["image3.jpg","This is image 3."],

3. Create a DIV container for the image gallery.

<div id="container"></div>

4. Initialize the plugin to generate an image gallery inside the DIV container.

$('#container').knack({data: images});

5. More configuration options.


  // autoplay interval
  'autoPlay': 5000,

  'menuArea': 3000,

  // JS selector
  'id': 'container', 

Change log:


  • v2

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by evrybiont. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.