Show And Hide Cookie Consent Banner Using localstorage
- Other - 6448 ViewsA simple cookie consent plugin to make your Bootstrap powered website comply with the European cookie law.
Latest jQuery Plugin updates are listed here. For each plugin there is a link to the download page, a link to the demo page and a preview image. Page 6 .
A simple cookie consent plugin to make your Bootstrap powered website comply with the European cookie law.
SlimTable is a lightweight (~2kb minified) jQuery plugin that turns the standard table into a sortable and pageable table.
DragNDrop is a jQuery plugin which allows you to reorder an HTML ordered (or unordered) list using drag and drop. Without the need of jQuery UI.
TinySelect is a small yet powerful jQuery plugin used to enhance the default select box with the support of live filtering and remote data source via AJAX requests.
bs-breakpoints is a JavaScript plugin for Bootstrap 5/4 breakpoint detection that detects and display the current active responsive breakpoint in your Bootstrap project.
A lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery plugin to help generate customizable one-time password (OTP) input fields to your web apps and websites.
Vegas is a amazing jQuery Plugin for adding beautiful fullscreen backgrounds to your webpages.
Simple Scroll Gallery is a lightweight, flexible, responsive, interactive jQuery Photo Gallery plugin created for desktop, tablet, and mobile.
A jQuery plugin for styling acronyms and ABBRs with custom CSS. Improve text readability now!
A lightweight jQuery cascading dropdown plugin that automatically filters select options based on what you choose in the previous dropdown.
A full-featured autocomplete plugin for Bootstrap framework that displays suggestions in a dropdown list as users type something in your input field.
BeefUp is a lightweight, responsive jQuery accordion plugin which allows you to toggle the visibility of Html elements with following features:
csv.js is a jQuery based CSV parser that parses your CSV files and converts the CSV strings into JavaScript arrays and objects for further use.
Use the jQuery Marquee plugin for smooth & endless content scrolling. Perfect for news tickers and image carousels.
jQuery Validation is a javascript based plugin that helps you implement a powerful client side validator to your form elements that validate the value ( name, email, address, etc..) your user input when submitting.
A responsive, mobile-friendly, monthly calendar component built with JavaScript (jQuery) and Bootstrap 4 framework.
JustGage is a JavaScript plugin for generating and animating nice & clean gauges. It is based on Raphaël library for vector drawing, so it’s completely resolution independent and self-adjusting.
FullCalendar is a lightweight yet powerful and developer-friendly JavaScript library to create flexible, draggable event calendars on the modern web app.
A promise-based jQuery plugin for building text based terminals and command line interfaces for your projects.
Simplify form creation with formRowRepeater, a jQuery plugin for dynamic form rows. Duplicate, remove, and sort form fields with ease.
A lightweight jQuery plugin that lets you create vertical accordions with smooth open/close animations using CSS3 transitions.
Vegas Nav is a cross-platform navigation system to help you create a responsive, mobile-friendly, multi-level dropdown navbar for your web app.
A tiny jQuery plugin for creating customizable countdown or countup timers that resemble retro 7-segment clocks.
Gridder is a cool jQuery gallery & thumbnail grid plugin to create a Google Image Search like expanding preview effect when you click on a thumbnail.
cropimage (formerly imageResizer) is a lightweight, easy-to-use image cropper & resizer plugin based on jQuery and HTML5 canvas element.