Store Form Fields In Session Storage - form-saver

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License: MIT
Store Form Fields In Session Storage - form-saver

form-saver is a lightweight and easy-to-use jQuery/JavaScript plugin that stores form changed fields in local storage to help prevent users from losing data.

The plugin loops through the form fields who have name/id attributes and populate them if local storage has anything for that form.

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How to use it:

1. Download the package and import the form-saver library.

// ES module
import JqueryFormSaver from 'jquery-form-saver';

// jQuery
<script src="/dist/JqueryFormSaver.min.js"></script>

// Vanilla JS
<script src="/dist/release/bundle.min.js"></script>

2. Initialize the library on the target form fields.

// jQuery
jQuery('input, textarea, select').each(function (_i, _el) {
  new JqueryFormSaver(this, { 
    method: 'jquery', 

// Vanilla JavaScript
const elements = document.querySelectorAll('input, textarea, select');
elements.forEach(function (el, _key, _parent) {
  new JqueryFormSaver(el, { 
    method: 'vanilla' 

// smart mode
(function () {



  • v1.1.2

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dimaslanjaka. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.