Mobile App Style Bottom Navigation Plugin - jQuery Backstack.js

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License: MIT
Mobile App Style Bottom Navigation Plugin - jQuery Backstack.js

Backstack.js is a jQuery plugin to create a dynamic bottom navigation (bottom tab bar) on the web app just like you've seen on mobile applications.

Click/tap the tabs in the bottom navigation to fetches pages via AJAX and switch between them without having to refresh the current page.

How to use it:

1. Insert jQuery library and the Backstack.js plugin's files into the document.

<link href="lib/backstackjs/css/backstack.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="lib/backstackjs/js/backstack.js"></script>

2. Create a header navigation that enables the visitor to go back to the previous screen.

<nav class="navbar tabs-toolbar container">
  <button class="bs-override-back" id="back-button-main"><</button> Backstack.js

3. Create an empty container where the dynamic content will be placed here.

<main role="main" id="main" class="tabs-viewport container">
  <!-- dynamic content -->

4. Create the HTML for the bottom navigation.

<footer class="tabs">
  <div class="container">
    <div class="no-gutters d-flex">
      <button id="tab-page-one" class="btn-tab" title="Tab 1">
        <div>Tab 1</div>
      <button id="tab-page-two" class="btn-tab" title="Tab 2">
        <div>Tab 2</div>
      <button id="tab-page-three" class="btn-tab" title="Tab 3">
        <div>Tab 3</div>
      <button id="tab-page-four" class="btn-tab" title="Tab 4">
        <div>Tab 4</div>

5. Initialize the plugin and define the path to the screen (page) for each tab. Possible parameters:

  • tabs: an array of Tab objects.
  • appViewId: The container to hold the screens.
  • selectedTabViewId: The ID of the tab view that is selected on init.
  • transitionSpeed: Transition speed in milliseconds.
  • onSuccess: Fired when a screen has successfully been loaded.
  • onError: Fired when there is an error has occurred
// TabBar(tabs, appViewId, selectedTabViewId, transitionSpeed, onSuccess, onError)
new TabBar([
    new Tab([
        new Screen("1-1.html")
    ], "tab-page-one"),
    new Tab([
        new Screen("2-1.html"),
        new Screen("2-2.html"),
        new Screen("2-3.html")
    ], "tab-page-two"),
    new Tab([
        new Screen("3-1.html")
    ], "tab-page-three"),
    new Tab([
        new Screen("4-1.html")
    ], "tab-page-four")
], "main", "tab-page-one", 500, onSuccess, onError);

var onSuccess = function (tabViewId, url) {
    console.log("onSuccess(): tabViewId = " + tabViewId + ", url = " + url);

var onError = function (tabViewId, url) {
    console.log("onError(): tabViewId = " + tabViewId + ", url = " + url);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by gregorymarkthomas. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.