Responsive Fixed Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Responsive Fixed Dropdown Menu Plugin With jQuery

A responsive fixed dropdown menu plugin that collapses the original navigation bar into a hamburger toggle menu on mobile/tablet devices.

More features:

  • Smooth Scroll: Smoothly scrolls the page to the target position of the document. Ideal for single page web app.
  • Keyboard Accessibility: Supports both Tab and ESC keys.
  • Supports custom CSS variables.

See also:

How to use it:

1. To use the plugin, include the following JavaScript and CSS files on the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="css/responsive_menu_style.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="js/responsive_menu_code.js"></script>

2. The required HTML structure for the plugin. Copy the following HTML snippets into the body tag of your html document.

<div class="menu">
  <div id="burger_menu_icon_parent"></div>
    <div tabindex="0" id="burger_menu_icon" class="hide">
      <div class="burger_menu_icon_row"></div>
      <div class="burger_menu_icon_row transparent"></div>
      <div class="burger_menu_icon_row"></div>
      <div class="burger_menu_icon_row transparent"></div>
      <div class="burger_menu_icon_row"></div>
  <div class="menu_content">
    <div class="row_01"><a href="#1">First Point</a></div>
    <div class="row_01-content hide">
      <a href="#1">Link 1</a>
      <a href="#2">Link 2</a>
      <a href="#3">Link 3</a>
    <div class="row_01"><a href="#4">Second Point</a></div>
    <div class="row_01-content hide">
      <a href="#4">Link 4</a>
      <a href="#5">Link 5</a>
      <a href="#6">Link 6</a>
    <div class="row_01"><a href="#7">Third Point</a></div>
    <div class="row_01-content hide">
      <a href="#7">Link 7</a>
      <a href="#8">Link 8</a>

3. Override the default settings of the plugin in the JavaScript.

/*Change this variable to adjust the width for the mobile view. Make sure you keep the qutation marks and px - for example: "1023px".*/

/*Change this variable to adjust the speed for sliding up/ down the burger menu. Only affects the mobile view.*/

/*Change this variable to adjust the speed when you scroll to the same page.*/

/*Change this variable to adjust the speed when the menu gets put to the top.*/

4. Override the default styles of the plugin in the CSS.



  /*The font is declared in the .menu selector. If your font is declared in a parent div feel free to delete the attribute and variable.*/


  /*The property of the colors is declared as background, NOT as background-color!*/
  /*This means you can use hex codes (like in the example) but you can also make use of rgb(a) and gradients.*/

  /*menu colors*/

  /*TIP! You can swap the colors above, so the mouseover will swap the background and font colors*/

  /*row_01-content (drop down content) colors*/

  /*TIP! You can use a slightly darker color than --menu_font_color.*/
  /*TIP! You can use the same colors as the --menu_background_color.*/   
  /*TIP! You can use the same colors as above, so the mouseover will swap the background and font colors.*/
  --row_01-content_mouseover_font_color:var( --row_01-content_background_color);

  /*burger_menu_icon color*/

  /*TIP! You can use the same color as the --menu_font_color, so the burger menu icon has the same color as the menu font.*/

  /*Burger Menu link colors color*/

  /*These colors are used when you activate the burger menu.*/
  /*TIP: Use the same color as the --row_01-content_mouseover_color and --row_01-content_mouseover_font_color.*/

  /*Burger Menu active color*/

  /*TIP! You can use the --burger_menu_icon_background_color.*/
  /*TIP! You can use the --menu_background_color.*/


  /*Padding between the parent div of the menu and the first element*/

  /*row_01 sizes*/


  /*row_01-content (drop down content) sizes*/



  /*The burger_menu_position can either be left or right*/


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by FabianLins. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.