Stylish Dropdown & Popover Plugin For jQuery - dropdown.js

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Stylish Dropdown & Popover Plugin For jQuery - dropdown.js

A lightweight jQuery plugin for creating responsive, popover-style dropdown menu with 12 position combinations.

How to use it:

1. Add jQuery library and the dropdown plugin's files to the page.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/dropdown.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/dropdown.js"></script>

2. Create a new instance of the dropdown.

  let dropdownView = new Dropdown('dropdown-view');

3. The required HTML structure for the dropdown.

<div id="dropdown-view" class="mt-dropdown">

  <!-- Toggle Button -->
  <button data-mt-dropdown="dropdown-view"></button>

  <!-- Dropdown -->
  <div id="dropdown-view-menu"
    class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pb">
   <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

4. Customize the position & placement of the dropdown.

<!-- Bottom Center -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pb">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Bottom Left -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pbs">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Bottom Right -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pbe">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Top Center -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pt">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Top Left -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pts">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Top Right -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pte">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Right Center -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pe">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Right Top -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pet">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Right Bottom -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-peb">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Left Center -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-ps">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Left Top -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-pst">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

<!-- Left Bottom -->
<div id="dropdown-view-menu" class="mt-dropdown-menu mt-dropdown-psb">
  <!-- Dropdown Content Here -->

5. Customize the dropdown styles by overriding the default variables in the _variables.scss.

// Contents

$enablePositionMedia: false; // Position classes for different media
$enableRounded: false;       // Rounded classes
$enableRoundedMedia: false;  // Rounded classes for different media

// Class

$classBase: "mt-dropdown"; 
$classShow: 'show';        

// Position

$directionValue: 100%;   // It is not recommended to change it
$directionIndent: .5rem; 
$alignmentValue: 0%;     // It is not recommended to change it
$alignmentIndent: 0rem;  

// Media breakpoints

$mediaBreakpoints: (
  sm: 576px,
  md: 768px,
  lg: 992px,
  xl: 1200px

// Others

$zIndexMenu: 1000;            
$transitionDurationShow: .3s; 
$borderRadius: .3rem;   



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by marcelotomazelli. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.