Configurable Session Timeout & URL Redirect Plugin For Bootstrap

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License: MIT
Configurable Session Timeout & URL Redirect Plugin For Bootstrap

A simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin which uses Bootstrap modal component to display a warning dialog allowing the user to keep alive or logout when the session expires (after a certain amount of idle time).

How to use it:

1. Load jQuery library, Bootstrap framework and the Bootstrap Session Timeout plugin's script in the html document as follow:

<link rel="stylesheet" href="/path/to/bootstrap.min.css">
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/bootstrap-session-timeout.js"></script>

2. Basic usage. This will show the warning dialog after 3 seconds. If user takes no action (interacts with the page in any way), browser is redirected to redirUrl. On any user action (mouse, keyboard or touch) the timeout timer is reset.

  keepAliveUrl: 'keep-alive.html',
  logoutUrl: 'login.html',
  redirUrl: 'locked.html',
  warnAfter: 3000,
  redirAfter: 10000,
  countdownBar: true

3. With a countdown bar. This will show the warning dialog with countdown bar after 3 seconds. If user takes no action (interacts with the page in any way), browser is redirected to redirUrl. On any user action (mouse, keyboard or touch) the timeout timer as well as the countdown timer are reset (visible if you don't close the warning dialog).

  keepAliveUrl: 'keep-alive.html',
  logoutUrl: 'login.html',
  redirUrl: 'locked.html',
  warnAfter: 3000,
  redirAfter: 10000,
  countdownBar: true

4. With custom countdown message. This will show the warning dialog with countdown timer after 3 seconds. If user takes no action (interacts with the page in any way), browser is redirected to redirUrl. On any user action (mouse, keyboard or touch) the timeout timer as well as the countdown timer are reset (visible if you don't close the warning dialog).

  keepAliveUrl: 'keep-alive.html',
  logoutUrl: 'login.html',
  redirUrl: 'locked.html',
  warnAfter: 3000,
  redirAfter: 10000,
  countdownMessage: 'Redirecting in {timer} seconds.'

5. All default options and callback functions.


  // custom warning title
  title: 'Your Session is About to Expire!',

  // custom warning message
  message: 'Your session is about to expire.',

  // button text
  logoutButton: 'Logout',
  keepAliveButton: 'Stay Connected',

  // keep alive url
  keepAliveUrl: '/keep-alive',

  // ajax options
  ajaxType: 'POST',
  ajaxData: '',

  // redirect url
  redirUrl: '/timed-out',

  // logout url
  logoutUrl: '/log-out',

  // 15 minutes
  warnAfter: 900000,

   // 20 minutes
  redirAfter: 1200000,

  // 5 seconds
  keepAliveInterval: 5000,
  keepAlive: true,

  // If true, this will launch the Bootstrap warning dialog / redirect (or callback functions) in a set amounts of time regardless of user activity.
  ignoreUserActivity: false,

  // callback functions
  onStart: false,
  onWarn: false,
  onRedir: false,

  // countdown options
  countdownMessage: false,
  countdownBar: false,
  countdownSmart: false

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by orangehill. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.