Simple Clean jQuery Popup Layer Plugin - Smartbox.js

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License: MIT
Simple Clean jQuery Popup Layer Plugin - Smartbox.js

Smartbox.js is a simple yet powerful jQuery plugin used to create highly configurable popup layers for dialog boxes or modal windows.


  • Ajax content enabled.
  • Loading indicator.
  • Auto show on init.
  • Multiple instances on one page.
  • Configurable background overlay.
  • Custom close buttons.
  • Callback functions.
  • Draggable (NEW)

How to use it:

1. To get started, you have to load JQuery library and the jQuery Smartbox.js plugin files in your web project.

<link href="jquery.smartbox.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="jquery.smartbox.js"></script>

2. Create a DIV container for the popup box.

<div id="basic" style="display: none;"></div>

3. Call the function on the DIV container and specify the content to display in the popup.

  content:'<p>Custom Content Here</p>'

4. Load the content asynchronously from an external data source.


    url : 'your.html',
    type : 'GET',
    isShowLoading : true,
    loadingText:'<span style="color: #6f6f6f;">Loading</span>',
    errorContent:'<span style="color:red;">Error</span>' 


5. Load local block html elements into the popup.

<div id="demo" style="display:none;">
    <div class="smartBox_header">
    <div class="smartBox_body">
    <div class="smartBox_footer">
  type: 'html'

6. Default customization options.


  type: 'option',

  // min height/width
  width: 360,
  height: 360,

  // header/footer height
  headerHeight: 50,
  footerHeight: 50,

  // title
  title: null, 

  // footer
  footer: null, 

  // shows title
  isShowTitle: true,

  // shows title
  isShowFooter: true,

  // autoshow on init
  isAutoShow: true,

  // z-index
  zIndex: 9999, // |type:int

  // custom content type
  content: null,

  // ajax settings
  ajaxSetting: {
      url: null,
      contentType: 'html', // or 'img'
      type: 'GET', 
      isShowLoading: true, 
      loadingType: 'img', // or 'text'
      loadingText: 'Loading', 
      errorContent: ''

  // overlay settings
  isShowOverlay: true, 
  isCloseOnOverlayClick: true,
  overlayOpacity: 0.3, 

  // Drag
  isDrag: false,

  // callbacks
  beforeClose: $.noop, 

  // close button settings
  isShowClose: true, 
  closeType: 'out' // or 'in'

Change log:


  • improvement.


  • bugfix

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by huangshuwei. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.