Simple jQuery Timeline Plugin with Knockout and Moment.js
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License: | MIT |
An easy and lightweight jQuery plugin worked with Knockout library and moment.js for creating a simple vertical timeline on your web page. Click the arrow of a event will expand the event to display more information.
See also:
- Lightweight jQuery Timeline Plugin - jqtimeline
- Beautifully Crafted JS Timeline Library
- Horizontal Chronology Timeline - chronoline.js
- Simple jQuery Timeline Plugin - Timelinr
- Timeline Portfolio Plugin wih jQuery
- Simple jQuery Timeline Plugin with Html5 and Moment.js - b1njTimeline
How to use it:
1. Create a container for your timeline.
<div class="grid"> <div class="left-timeline col-sand-left" data-bind= "template:{name:'event', foreach:leftEvents}"></div> <div class="center-timeline col-sand-middle"></div> <div class="right-timeline col-sand-right" data-bind= "template:{name:'event', foreach:rightEvents}"></div> </div>
2. Add events to display on the timeline
<script id="event" type="text/html"> <div class="timeline-event" data-bind="style:{'top':top()+'px', 'height':height()+'px', 'borderLeftColor':color,'borderRightColor':color}, css:{'selected':selected},click:toggleSelected"> <figure> <figcaption data-bind="text:title"></figcaption> <h6><span data-bind="text:fromStart()"></span> <small>to</small> <span data-bind="text:fromEnd()"></span> </h6> <div data-bind="template:{,data:template.context}"></div> </figure> </div> </script> <script type="text/html" id="your-event"> <p> Your Content Goes Here. </p> </script>
3. Include the required stylesheet file to style the timeline.
<link href="src/stylesheets/app.css" rel="stylesheet">
4. Include the required javascript library files on the page.
<script src="src/vendor/moment.min.js"></script> <script src="src/vendor/knockout.js"></script> <script src="src/vendor/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="src/vendor/jquery.scrollTo.min.js"></script>
5. The javascript.
function get_random_color() { return '#' + (Math.random() * 0xFFFFFF << 0).toString(16);; } //Event to display on the timeline function Event(title, start, end, template) { this.start = start; this.end = end; this.title = title; this.color = get_random_color(); this.template = template; /*height and scale properties*/ this.scale = ko.observable(1); this.height = ko.computed(function () { var days; if (!this.end) { days = moment().diff(this.start, "days"); } else { days = this.end.diff(this.start, "days"); } return days * this.scale(); }, this); = ko.computed(function () { var now = moment(); if (!this.end) { return 0; } var diff = now.diff(this.end, 'days'); return (diff * (this.scale())); }, this); /*time helpers*/ this.fromEnd = function () { if (!this.end) { return "present" } return this.end.from(moment()); }; this.fromStart = function () { return this.start.from(moment()); }; /*selected*/ this.selected = ko.observable(false); this.toggleSelected = function () { this.selected(!this.selected()); }; } //TODO: no overlapping event paradigm //Left events var leftEvents = [ new Event("Pays the bills", moment("2012-12"), moment(), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("Awesome Job", moment("2010-11"), moment("2012-12"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("Some cool place", moment("2009-01"), moment("2010-11"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("First Real Job", moment("2008-07"), moment("2009-01"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("The next place", moment("2006-10"), moment("2008-07"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("Some place", moment("2003-08"), moment("2006-10"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), ]; //right events var rightEvents = [ new Event("Grad School 2", moment("2010-12-17"), moment("2011-12-01"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("Grad School 1", moment("2008-08"), moment("2010-03"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }), new Event("Uni 1", moment("2003-09"), moment("2005-09"), { name: 'your-event', context: {} }) ]; //Timeline Viewmodel function ViewModel() { this.title = "Your Name Here"; this.subtitle = "Your Job Here"; this.lastIndex = 0; this.leftEvents = ko.observableArray(leftEvents); this.rightEvents = ko.observableArray(rightEvents); this.currentScale = ko.observable(.75); this.currentScale.subscribe(this.updateEventsScale.bind(this)); //any selected this.itemSelected = ko.computed(function () { var leftSelected = this.leftEvents().some(function (event) { return event.selected(); }); //return early if (leftSelected) { return leftSelected; } var rightSelected = this.rightEvents().some(function (event) { return event.selected(); }); return rightSelected; }, this); //combined and sorted items this.combinedSorted = ko.computed(function () { var combined = this.leftEvents().concat(this.rightEvents()); //sort by computed top poisition combined.sort(function (a, b) { if ( < return -1; if ( > return 1; return 0; }); return combined; }, this); }; ViewModel.prototype.updateEventsScale = function (value) { this.leftEvents().forEach(function (event) { event.scale(value); }); this.rightEvents().forEach(function (event) { event.scale(value); }); }; ViewModel.prototype.scrollNext = function () { if (this.lastIndex < this.combinedSorted().length - 1) { this.lastIndex++; } var top = this.combinedSorted()[this.lastIndex].top() $.scrollTo(top, 250); }; ViewModel.prototype.scrollPrevious = function () { if (this.lastIndex > 0) { this.lastIndex--; } var top = this.combinedSorted()[this.lastIndex].top() $.scrollTo(top, 250); }; //bind var vm = new ViewModel(); ko.applyBindings(vm);
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by bringking. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.