Sticky Top Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - RSAlert.js

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Sticky Top Notification Bar Plugin For jQuery - RSAlert.js

RSAlert.js is a small jQuery plugin for displaying a sticky, customizable, themeable and auto dismissable notification and alert bar on the top of the webpage.

More features:

  • 8 built-in themes: primary, secondary, success, danger, warning, light, dark, info.
  • Allows to specify the timeout to dismiss the alert bar automatically.
  • Custom background, text, and box shadow colors.
  • Supports HTML content inside the notification message.
  • Also provides a close button to dismiss the alert bar manually.
  • Always stays on the top of the webpage when scrolling down.

How to use it:

1. Include the minified version of jQuery library and the jQuery RSAlert.js plugin on the webpage.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="rsalert.min.css">
<script src="" 
<script src="rsalert.min.js"></script>

2. Create the top notification & alert bars that automatically dismiss after 10 seconds.

// success
RSAlert('success','Success Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// danger
RSAlert('danger','Danger Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// warning
RSAlert('warning','Warning Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// info
RSAlert('info','Info Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// primary
RSAlert('primary','Primary Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// secondary
RSAlert('secondary','Secondary Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// dark
RSAlert('dark','Dark Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

// light
RSAlert('light','Light Message <a href="#">Link</a>.', 10);

3. Apply custom background, text, and box shadow colors to the notification & alert bar. Available parameters:

  • type: notification type
  • text: notification message
  • time: timeout in seconds
  • font color: text color
  • background color: background color
  • box shadow color: box shadow color
RSAlert('unset', 'Custom Theme', 10, '#fff', '#222', "#fafafa")

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ethereal337. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.