Ubuntu NotifyOSD Style Notification Plugin - jNotifyOSD

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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Ubuntu NotifyOSD Style Notification Plugin - jNotifyOSD

jNotifyOSD is a jQuery plugin that provides a simple API to create Ubuntu NotifyOSD style on-screen notification popups (bubbles) on the page.

The lightweight, themeable, and highly customizable notifications are perfect for almost any kind of website and web app: notification alerts, toast messages, feed subscription updates, chat messages, etc.

How to use it:

1. Link to jQuery library and the jNotifyOSD plugin's files.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="notify-osd.min.css" />
<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="/path/to/notify-osd.min.js"></script>

2. Create a basic notification popup.

var notif = $.notify_osd.create({
    'text': 'Notification Here',

3. Config the notification popup.

var notif = $.notify_osd.create({
    // path to the icon
    icon: '',

    // auto-dismiss after this timeout
    timeout: 5,

    // is sticky or not
    sticky: false,

    // is dismissable or not
    dismissable: false,

    // allows click through
    click_through: true,

    // width of the "buffer" region around a notification
    buffer: 40,

    // min/max opacity
    opacity_max: 0.85,
    opacity_min: 0.20,

    // space between notifications
    spacing : 20,


4. Set the options globally using the setup method.


  // maximum number of notifications
  visible_max: 3,
  // path to the icon
  icon: '',

  // auto-dismiss after this timeout
  timeout: 5,

  // is sticky or not
  sticky: false,

  // is dismissable or not
  dismissable: false,

  // allows click through
  click_through: true,

  // width of the "buffer" region around a notification
  buffer: 40,

  // min/max opacity
  opacity_max: 0.85,
  opacity_min: 0.20,

  // space between notifications
  spacing : 20,


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vickychijwani. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.