Versatile Modal-style Dialog Plugin With jQuery - allSIGE MessageBox
File Size: | 1.12 MB |
Views Total: | 990 |
Last Update: | |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
allSIGE MessageBox is a simple yet fully configurable jQuery plugin that allows you to create modal-style alert / error / info / success dialog boxes with lots of configuration options.
More Features:
- Custom types, sizes, icons, contents, buttons and many more.
- Custom CSS3 animations based on Animate.css.
- Modal-style fullscreen background overlay.
- Auto close with countdown timer.
- Callback functions.
How to use it:
1. The jQuery allSIGE MessageBox plugin should be included in the html page which has jQuery library installed.
<link href="allSIGE-dynamic-messageBox.css" rel="stylesheet"> <script src="//"></script> <script src="allSIGE-dynamic-messageBox.js"></script>
2. Include the Font Awesome 4 for custom dialog icons.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="font-awesome.min.css">
3. Include the Animate.css for custom CSS3 animations.
<link href="animate.css" rel="stylesheet">
4. The JavaScript to show a default dialog box.
$.allSIGEDynamicMessageBox({ boxMessage: "Message here" });
5. Customize the dialog box. Here's a list of default configuration options which can be passed as an object to the allSIGEDynamicMessageBox()
$.allSIGEDynamicMessageBox({ // none, alert, error, info, success boxType: "none", // boxShortcuts: { enabled: true, closeKeyCode: 27, showShortcutLabel: true }, // shows icons boxShowIcon: false, // shows header controls boxShowHeaderControls: true, // enable reload modal feature boxReloadModal: false, // custom icons // "error" : { type: "ico", val: "fa fa-close" } boxTypeIcon: { "none" : { type: "img", val: "none.png" }, "success" : { type: "img", val: "success.png" }, "error" : { type: "img", val: "error.png" }, "info" : { type: "img", val: "info.png" }, "alert" : { type: "img", val: "alert.png" } }, // xs, sm, md, lg, full or css metrics boxSize: "md", // custom title boxTitle: "allSIGE MessageBox", // custom message boxMessage: "", // custom action buttons /* boxButtons: [ { label: "YES", class: "btn", return: "_yes", close: true, props: { element: "button", attribs: { } } }, { label: "NO", class: "btn", return: "_no", close: false, iconClass: "glyphicons glyphicons-dog", props: { element: "a", attribs: { href:"" target: "_blank" } } }, ] */ boxButtons: [], // custom header buttons /* boxHeaderButtons: { return: "clickHeader!", close: true, iconClass: "fa fa-close", props: { element: "li", attribs: { } } } */ boxHeaderButtons: [], // default position of action buttons boxButtonDefaultPosition: 1, // alignment of buttons // center, left, right boxButtonAlign: "right", // auto close with a countdown timer boxAutoClose: { timeout: 0, message: "Closing in %s% seconds...", container: "message" }, /* boxAlternateReturn: { selector: ".table > tbody > tr[data-row-id]", close: true } */ boxAlternateReturn: { selector: "", close: true }, boxFocusOnLoad: { selector: "" }, dataParams: [], // style01, style02, another string.. defaultStyle: "style01", // top offset topPosition: "100px", // close by clicking on the background overlay closeOnClickModal: true, // blockWhenOpen: false, // animations effects: { modalIn: "fadeIn", modalOut: "fadeOut", boxIn: "fadeInDown", boxOut: "fadeOutUp" }, // callback functions onSuccess: function (result) { }, onBeforeShow: function () { }, onAfterShow: function () { }, onBeforeClose: function () { }, onAfterClose: function () { }, });
Change log:
- Add new style: Facebook
- Add new object feature in modal (version 3 beta)
- Add new feature "boxFocusOnLoad"
- added new feature blockWhenOpen
- fixed click shortcut bug
- added new feature boxShortcuts
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by ThiagoAugustoBorges. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.