Attractive Call to Action Buttons In jQuery - rxHTMLButton

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License: MIT
Attractive Call to Action Buttons In jQuery - rxHTMLButton

rxHTMLButton is a jQuery based button generator that helps developers create unique designs for your CTA buttons to grab user's attention.

With this plugin, you can quickly create animated, interactive, customizable call to action buttons from any HTML elements like a, button, input, span, etc.

More Features:

  • Subtle hover effects.
  • Change button text on hover.
  • Custom color, text, size, border.
  • Arrow icons to improve click-through rate.
  • 5 built-in themes.

How to use it:

1. Insert the& jQuery rxHTMLButton plugin's files into the document.

<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link href="/path/to/jquery-rxHtmlButton-min.css" rel="stylesheet" />
<script src="/path/to/jquery-rxHtmlButton-min.js"></script>

2. Create a basic CTA button on the page.

<a class="alink" href="#">Hover Me</a>

3. Apply a pre-built theme to the button. Accept values: 'rx01', 'rx02', 'rx03', 'rx04', 'rx05'.

  builtinTheme: "rx03"

4. Or customize the button with the following options.


  // background color
  backgroundColor: "#2176B8",

  // background color on hover
  backgroundHoverColor: "",

  // enable gradient color
  gradient: true,
  backgroundBlendColor: "",
  gradientFrom: "top",
  backgroundBlendHoverColor: "",
  gradientIntensity: 30,

  // customize button border here
  border: true,
  borderWidth: 1,
  borderHoverWidth: "",
  borderColor: "",
  borderGradient: !1,
  borderGradientFrom: "top",
  borderBlendColor: "",
  borderHoverColor: "",
  borderBlendHoverColor: "#168C36",
  borderIntensity: 5,

  // custom button text on hover
  customText: false,
  customTextval: "Let's Go",

  // custom font on hover
  customFontStyle: "raleway",
  customFontColor: "",
  customFontHoverColor: "",
  customFontWeight: "",
  customFontSize: "",

  // custom arrow on hover
  customArrow: false,

  // or bullet", "double"
  customArrowStyle: "jet",

  // enable black overlay
  blackOverlay: false,
  // "big" | "calendar" | "full" | "none" | "oval" | "small"
  roundedCorner: "small",

  // expand the button on hover
  hoverExpand: false,

  // "small" | "medium" | "big"
  customSize: "medium",

  // enable animation
  animate: true



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by roxunlimited. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.