Non-blocking Toast Notification In jQuery - ToasterJS

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License: MIT
Non-blocking Toast Notification In jQuery - ToasterJS

ToasterJS is a tiny jQuery plugin for creating toast-like notifications that disappear after a period of time set by the user.

More Features:

  • Stackable or not.
  • Auto dismiss or not.
  • Custom positions.

How to use it:

1. Install the ToasterJS plugin as follows:

<script src="/path/to/cdn/jquery.min.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="src/toaster.css" />
<script src="src/toaster.js"></script>

2. To generate a basic toast, i.e upon clicking a button, call a $.toast function.

<button class="toaster">
  Click Me
    content: "I'm a toaster!"

3. If you'd like to have the toasts to not fade away, disable the hideAfter property.

    content: "I'm a sticky toaster!",
    hideAfter: false

4. Changing the position of the toasts is done by setting the position property to one of the available position classes:

  • bottom-left
  • bottom-right
  • top-left
  • top-right
    content: "I'm toasting in the corner!",
    position: "bottom-left"

5. Enable or disable stacking of toast elements.

  content: "I won't stack!",
  stacking: false

6. You can even change the contents of the toast element to have other HTML elements.

    content: '<i class="icon-warning"></i> <a href="/">Toaster link!</a>',
    position: "bottom-left"

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by rosshatokay. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.