Customizable Round/Radial Range Slider Plugin With jQuery - Circle-Slider

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License: MIT
Customizable Round/Radial Range Slider Plugin With jQuery - Circle-Slider

A simple, flexible, highly customizable jQuery circular slider plugin for rendering round/radial/ellipse range sliders using HTML5 canvas element and data attributes.

Key features:

  • Supports any shapes you prefer.
  • Touch events supported.
  • Custom background, wheel, strip, handle and arrow.
  • Supports mouse wheel events.
  • Tons of configuration options.

See also:

Basic usage:

1. Just load the JavaScript file circle-slider.min.js after jQuery library and we're ready to go.

<script src="//"></script>
<script src="circle-slider.min.js"></script>

2. Create a placeholder element for the circular slider.

<div class="circle-slider"

3. That's it. The plugin will automatically rendera default circular slider inside the container with the data-type="circle-slider" attribute. You're also allowed to manually initialize the plugin in the javascript as follow:


4. The fastest way to customize the circular slider is to pass the following options via inline data-OPTIONNAME attributes on the placeholder element.

  • data-type: "circle-slider", "degrees", "degrees2"
  • data-padding: padding between sliders
  • data-mousewheel-step: mouse wheel step value
  • data-effects: "rotate-handle", "rotate-bg", "random-bg-color", "random-handle-color"
  • data-start: start point in case of partial shape  angle in degrees
  • data-end: end point in case of partial shape angle in degrees
  • data-radius: main circle radius / ellipse first
  • data-radius2: the second radius in case of ellipse
  • data-bgcolor: background color
  • data-bgcolor2: if data-bgcolor2 is defined -> gradient is used instead of background color
  • data-bggradient: h, v, r, d1, d2
  • data-bg-image: custom repeated background image
  • data-image: not repeated background image
  • data-bgshadow: if true shadow is added
  • data-bgshadow-color: shadow color
  • data-bgshadow-blur: shadow blur
  • data-bgshadow-x: shadow x offset
  • data-bgshadow-y: shadow y offset
  • data-path-width: strip width
  • data-range: If true, range between 2 handles appears
  • data-path-bgcolor: strip color
  • data-path-bgcolor2: if data-path-bgcolor2 is defined -> gradient is used instead of background color
  • data-path-gradient: h, v, r, d1, d2
  • data-path-bgcolor-active: the color of the selected strip part
  • data-path-bgcolor-active2: if data-path-bgcolor-active2 is defined -> gradient is used instead of background color 
  • data-path-bgcolor-active-gradient: h, v, r, d1, d2
  • data-path-bg-image: path to the repeated background image of the strip 
  • data-path-bg-image-active: path to the repeated background image of the selected part of the strip
  • data-path-image: path to the not repeated background image
  • data-angle: the initial position of the first handle
  • data-angle2: the initial position of the second handle (if exists)
  • data-handle-radius: the radius of the handles; the default value equals to the strip width
  • data-handle-color: handle color
  • data-handle-color2: if data-handle-color2 is defined -> gradient is used instead of background
  • data-handle-gradient: h, v, r, d1, d2
  • data-handle2-color: second handle color (if exists)
  • data-handle2-color2: if data-handle2-color2 is defined -> gradient is used instead of background color for the second handle
  • data-handle2-gradient: h, v, r, d1, d2
  • data-handle-bg-image: path to the background image of the first handle
  • data-handle2-bg-image: path to the background image of the second handle (if exists)
  • data-handle-shadow: if true shadow is added
  • data-handle-shadow-color: shadow
  • data-handle-shadow-blur: shadow blur
  • data-handle-shadow-x: shadow x offset
  • data-handle-shadow-y: shadow y offset
  • data-arrow: if true arrow shape is added
  • data-arrow-width: arrow shape width
  • data-arrow-color: arrow shape color
  • data-arrow-bg-image: arrow shape repeated background image
  • data-arrow-image: arrow shape not repeated background image
  data-bgcolor="rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"

  <!-- degrees placeholder -->
  <div class="degrees-placeholder">
    &nbsp; <span data-type="degrees"></span> &deg;

Change log:


  • added touch events support

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by htemplates. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.