Free jQuery CRUD Table Plugins
All the Free jQuery Plugins about 'CRUD Table' are listed here.
Excel-like CRUD Data Grid Library - Handsontable
- Table - 80742 Viewshandsontable is a powerful, flexible, feature-rich, Excel-like CRUD data grid/table library for JavaScript, Angular, React, and Vue.js.
Full-featued CRUD Data Grid Component - tui.grid
- Table - 22977 Viewstui.grid is a robust data grid component helps you dynamically render larger data in a performant, feature-rich data grid in a minute.
Dynamic Spreadsheet-like Data Grid - jExcel
- Table - 60954 ViewsA powerful jQuery and Vanilla JavaScript plugin which lets you dynamically generate a spreadsheet like CRUD data grid (table) from local JS data or even JSON, CSV, XSLX files.
Dynamic CRUD Data Grid Library - appendGrid
- Table - 93564 ViewsappendGrid is a powerful jQuery table plugin that turns the standard html table into adynamic and editable data grid. You can add, remove, edit, move up, move down records
Create Dynamic CRUD Bootstrap Tables With BSTable Plugin
- Table - 29889 ViewsBSTable is a dynamic jQuery CRUD table plugin that enables you to add/remove/update/edit tabular data in an HTML table.
Easy Dynamic HTML Table Manipulation Plugin - jQuery OliverEditTable
- Table - 4212 ViewsAn easy HTML table manipulation plugin for dynamically generating an editable, cloneable HTML table from an array of objects containing tabular data.
Sortable/Editable Table Generator Plugin - jQuery ediTable
- Table - 8016 ViewsediTable is a lightweight (9kb) jQuery CRUD Table plugin which dynamically renders editable and sortable data tables from plain HTML and/or JSON data.
Dynamic CRUD List/Table Plugin With jQuery - CRUDListin
- Other - 2147 ViewsA minimal, CSS-less jQuery plugin for CRUD lists/tables/forms which allows you to add(clone)/remove items/rows/fields in your dynamic lists, tables or forms.
Full-featured Dynamic Data Table Plugin - Folium
- Table - 5908 ViewsFolium is a jQuery data table plugin for creating spreadsheet-like CRUD data grids with sorting, filtering, pagination, and custom cell rendering support.
AJAX Based CRUD Table Plugin For jQuery - jtable
- Table - 18141 Viewsjtable is a jQuery plugin that automatically creates HTML table and loads records from server using AJAX.
Dynamic CRUD Data Grid Plugin With jQuery - Quickgrid
- Table - 12275 ViewsA powerful jQuery data grid plugin which dynamically parses and presents your JSON data (or JS arrays/objects) in a filterable, editable, sortable and paginatable CRUD data table.
Feature-rich Dynamic Data Grid Plugin - editable-grid
- Table - 5943 Viewseditable-grid is a jQuery plugin used to dynamically render a complex, multi-functional, CRUD data grid using Bootstrap's table component.
Easy Inline Editor For HTML Tables - jQuery fullTable
- Table - 21900 ViewsfullTable is jQuery plugin that lets you create a dynamic CRUD (create, read, update, delete) table with sorting, filtering, input validation and client side value processing.
Enable CRUD Operations Inside HTML Table - jQuery dynamicTable
- Table - 18913 ViewsA lightweight jQuery CRUD data table plugin which allows the user to add/remove/edit/export tabular data in a dynamic HTML table.
Dynamic CRUD Table Plugin With jQuery And Bootstrap - Simpletable
- Table - 15442 ViewsSimpletable is an easy-to-use jQuery plugin that adds dynamic, AJAX-enabled CRUD (create, read, update and delete) functionality to your Bootstrap table.
JSON API Driven CRUD Data Table Plugin With jQuery - Cruddy
- Table - 11578 ViewsCruddy is a jQuery & Bootstrap plugin used to assist with JSON API driven CRUD tasks.
Lightweight jQuery Plugin To Create CRUD Elements - Crudable
- Other - 2441 ViewsCrudable is a small jQuery plugin for creating CRUD elements that allow you to dynamically add / duplicate / remove / update any html elements in tables, lists or forms.