jQuery Accordion Plugins
Download Free jQuery Accordion Menu, Accordion Slider, and other Accordion-style plugins at our jQuery Accordion Section. Page 7 .
Easy Responsive Tab/Accordion Control Plugin For jQuery
- Accordion - 85592 ViewsA responsive jQuery tabs plugin that acts like a vertical accordion list when the screen size reaches a CSS3 media query breakpoint.
Multilevel Accordion/Toggle Plugin with jQuery - zAccordions
- Accordion - 1918 ViewszAccordions is a lightweight jQuery plugin used to transform nested Html lists into a multilevel accordion list with ease.
jQuery Plugin For Accordion Style Responsive Select Menu
- Accordion - 7770 ViewsA small (2kb) jQuery plugin that transforms a select list into a modern, smooth and fully responsive accordion menu for easier access.
Sortable & Filterable jQuery Accordion Plugin - AccordionList
- Accordion - 13380 ViewsA lightweight yet powerful jQuery plugin for creating a responsive accordion control that supports basic list view operations like searching, filtering, ordering and sorting.
Accordion Like Content Tabs Plugin with jQuery - Easy Responsive Tabs
- Accordion - 21539 ViewsEasy Responsive Tabs is a simple jQuery plugin for quickly creating content Tabs which allow you organize larger groups of content into a tab interface.
Smooth Horizontal Accordion Slideshow with jQuery and CSS3
- Slideshow - 11190 ViewsAn elegant jQuery & CSS3 based horizontal slideshow with smooth accordion effects using jQuery animation APIs.
Lightweight jQuery Responsive Tabs To Accordion Plugin - smartTabs
- Accordion - 6712 ViewsResponsive tabs/accordion jQuery Plugin that helps you present content sections like accordion on mobile/tablet devices and like tabs on desktop.
Simple & Accessible jQuery Accordion Plugin - koalapse
- Accordion - 3439 ViewsKoalapse is a simple jQuery accordion plugin that uses WAI-ARIA attributes to make your accordion panels accessible for users who use a keyboard only and cannot use a mouse.
Smooth Nested Accordion Plugin with jQuery & jQuery UI - multiAccordion
- Accordion - 16715 ViewsmultiAccordion is a tiny jQuery plugin to extend the jQuery UI Accordion widget that allows you to expand multiple sub- content panels at a time.
Simple Effective jQuery Accordion Plugin - expandAccordion
- Accordion - 1596 ViewsA simple, effective and responsive jQuery accordion plugin for expanding/collapsing content panels with smooth slide animations based on CSS3 transition.
Responsive & Accessible jQuery Tabs/Accordion Plugin - tabacc
- Accordion - 8034 Viewstabacc is a jQuery plugin allows for presenting content sections like tabs on larger devices or like accordion on smaller devices.
Simple and Fast Accordion Plugin with jQuery
- Accordion - 2117 ViewsA minimalist jQuery plugin used to create a simple, fast, stylish, smooth accordion widget with a few lines of JavaScript.
Accordion Style jQuery Plugin To Expand and Collapse Elements
- Accordion - 4290 ViewsExpandy Thing is a jQuery plugin used to create accordion-style collapsing and expanding animations for block-level elements.
Accessible Smooth jQuery Toggle Panel & Accordion Plugin
- Accordion - 4102 ViewsA lightweight jQuery CSS3 based accordion plugin to create accessible, smooth toggle panels following the WAI-ARIA Design patterns.
Super Smooth Accordion Dropdown Menu Using jQuery and CSS3
- Menu - 65546 ViewsCreating an accordion-style dropdown menu using jQuery and CSS3 transitions & transforms.
Material Design Inspired jQuery Paper Cards Accordion - Paper Collapse
- Accordion - 14279 ViewsPaper Collapse is a simple jQuery accordion plugin which allows you to collapse & expand paper cards with fancy CSS3 transitions.
Minimal jQuery Smooth Collapsible Panel Plugin - Content Collapse
- Accordion - 3865 ViewsContent Collapse is a super tiny jQuery plugin to smoothly collapsible & expand content by clicking the panel header, which acts as an accordion.
Bootstrap Style Vertical Accordion Menu with jQuery and CSS3 - bs_leftnavi
- Menu - 89704 ViewsA jQuery plugin for creating a Bootstrap style vertical nav menu which allows you to expand/collapse menu categories with smooth slide effects.
Basic jQuery Accordion Slider Plugin - Handy Accordion
- Accordion - 2468 ViewsHandy Accordion is a lightweight jQuery plugin to create a horizontal accordion slider that allows to expand/collapse slides on mouse hover or click.
Collapsible Tree Menu Plugin with jQuery and CSS3 - Nxeed Tree Menu
- Menu - 29359 ViewsNxeed Tree Menu is a simple jQuery plugin to create an accordion-style vertical tree menu that is collapsible and expandable with smooth sliding effects.