Creating A Responsive Scatter Plot Graph Using jQuery Scatterplot Plugin

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Creating A Responsive Scatter Plot Graph Using jQuery Scatterplot Plugin

Scatterplot is a lightweight jQuery plugin for creating a customizable and responsive scatter plot (XY) graph & diagram to display values for two variables for a set of data.

Basic Usage:

1. Include required basic stylesheet in your page.

<link href="css/scatterplot.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" />

2. Create the html for a scatter plot.

<div id="demo"> 
<span id="Point1"></span> 
<span id="Point2"></span> 
<span id="Point3"></span> 

3. Include the jQuery javascript library and jQuery Scatterplot plugin at the end of your page.

<script src=""></script>
<script src="js/scatterplot.js" type="text/javascript"></script> 

4. The javascript.

height: 300, 
width: 400, 
xLabel: 'jQuery', 
yLabel: 'javascript', 
rows: 5, 
columns: 5, 
subsections: 4 
xPos: 50, 
yPos: 50, 
color: 'red' 
xPos: 220, 
yPos: 45, 
radius: 20, 
color: 'blue' 
xPos: 360, 
yPos: 210, 
radius: 10, 
color: 'green' });

5. Available options.

height: 300, // Height of the graph (ex: 500, '50%')
width: 300, // Width of the graph (ex: 500, '50%')
xLabel: '', // Text of label for X-axis
yLabel: '', // Text of label for Y-axis
rows: 1, // Number of rows in graph
columns: 1, // Number of columns in graph
subsections: 1, // Number of subsections for each row/column
color: '#CCC',  // Background color of graph
responsive: false,  // Set whether graph is responsive (position of labels, units, lines, points set to percentages)
xUnits: [], // Array of units for X-axis (will be evenly spaced from bottom-left corner to bottom-right corner) (ex: ["0%", "20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%"], [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])
yUnits: []  // Array of units for Y-axis (will be evenly spaced from bottom-left corner to bottom-right corner) (ex: ["0%", "20%", "40%", "60%", "80%", "100%"], [0, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50])

Change log:

v1.1.1 (2013-12-13)

  • Added CSS overrides for background-color & width. When creating points, adding the style attribute and setting the 'background-color' property to a color value will set the color of the point. The 'width' property will allow for explicitly setting the width (2 * radius) of the point.


This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by pwoidke. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.