Dynamic Customizable Radar Chart In JavaScript - jQuery radarGraph.js

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Dynamic Customizable Radar Chart In JavaScript - jQuery radarGraph.js

radarGraph.js is a small jQuery plugin which dynamically renders a customizable, canvas-based radar chart (radar graph, radar diagram) with legends from JavaScript objects.

How to use it:

1. Put the latest version of the jQuery radarGraph plugin after jQuery slim build.

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.4.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="radarGraph.min.js"></script>

2. Create an empty canvas element on which you want to draw the radar chart.

<canvas id="example" width="300" height="300"></canvas>

3. Call the function on the canvas element and override the default chart data.

    labels: [
      'data point1',
      'data point2',
      'data point3',
      'data point4',
    chartData: {
      // color accepts hex value also : #666666
      '0':{'name':'thing1','score':[20,15,15,16.6], 'color':'red'},
      '1':{'name':'thing2','score':[17,15,15,15.6], 'color':'blue'},
      '2':{'name':'thing3','score':[20,25,20,21.6], 'color':'green'},
      '3':{'name':'thing4','score':[25,15,25,21.6], 'color':'purple'},

4. Customize the number of lines and rings to draw on the radar chart.

  dataPoints: 4,
  levels: 5

5. Set the maximum score. Default: 25.

  maxValue: 30

6. Customize the ring color.

  levelColor: '#b5b5b5'

7. Customize the padding of the radar chart. Default: 25.

  borderOffset: 10

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by modnar1226. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.