Easy Custom Checkbox And Radio Input Plugin With jQuery - ezMark

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License: MIT
Easy Custom Checkbox And Radio Input Plugin With jQuery - ezMark

ezMark is a lightweight jQuery plugin which lets you create cross browser, easy-to-stylize checkboxes and radio buttons.

How to use it:

1. Put the following files into your web project.

  • js/ezmark.jquery.js - The Plugin File
  • css/ezmark.css  - The CSS File for styling
  • images/ - The replacement images for checkbox and radiobutton

2. Include jQuery library and the jQuery ezMark's JS & CSS files on the html page.

<link href="cs/ezmark.css" rel="stylesheet"> 
<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.ezmark.js"></script>

3. To apply on all checkbox and radio button across the page, use:


4. To use multiple styled checkbox in the same page, at first declare a class in the CSS for the new checkbox/radiobutton. For example:

.ez-checkbox-green {
  background: transparent url('images/checkbox-green.png') 0 1px no-repeat;
  display: inline-block;

.ez-checked-green { background-position: 0 -18px; }

5. Then call:

  checkboxCls: 'ez-checkbox-green', 
  checkedCls: 'ez-checked-green'

6. The method ezMark accepts the following optional parameters as JSON:


  // custom Checkbox Class
  checkboxCls: 'ez-checkbox'

  // checkbox Checked State's Class
  checkedCls: 'ez-checked',

  // custom radiobutton Class
  radioCls: 'ez-radio',

  // radiobutton's Selected State's Class
  selectedCls: 'ez-selected',

  hideCls     : 'ez-hide'

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by itsalif. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.