Easy Filterable Multi Select Plugin With jQuery - filterselector

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Easy Filterable Multi Select Plugin With jQuery - filterselector

filterselector is a jQuery select enhancement plugin which converts the default select into a filterable, multi-selectable dropdown selector.


  • Supports both single and multi select.
  • Filter options based on input.
  • Checkbox supported.
  • Check/uncheck all options.
  • High performance.

How to use it:

1. Include the jQuery filterselector plugin's style sheet for primary selector styles.

<link href="jquery.filterselector.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Include jQuery and the jQuery filterselector plugin's JS file at the end of the document to reduce the page load time.

<script src="//code.jquery.com/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script src="jquery.filterselector.js"></script>

3. Call the function on a given select element and we're done.

  // options

4. Plugin's default options.


  // shows header
  header: true,

  // width of the selector
  width: false,

  // height of the selector
  height: false,

  // custom styles
  style: '',

  // text for check / uncheck all
  checkAllText: 'Check all / Uncheck all',

  // default text for the selector
  noneSelectedText: 'Select options',

  // text for selected options
  selectedText: '# selected',

  // shows selected text
  displaySelectedText: false,

  // selected list
  selectedList: 2,

  // enable multiple select
  multiple: true,

  // enable filtering
  filter: false,

  // group by selected
  groupSelected: false 

5. Set pre-selected options.


6. Disable specified options.

$('select').disableOptions("option1", true);

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by lzcmaro. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.