Get And Set Form Values Using JSON Object - jQuery input-values.js

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Get And Set Form Values Using JSON Object - jQuery input-values.js

input-values.js is a jQuery plugin for dynamic form creation that converts form data to JSON objects and generates HTML forms from JSON schemas.

How to use it:

1. Include the JavaScript file input-values.jquery.js after jQuery library.

<script src="" 
<script src="input-values.jquery.js"></script>

2. The method to get form data.

// gets all values
var myValues = $('.form').inputValues();

// get value from a specific form field
var myValues = $('.form').inputValues('fieldName');

3. The method to set form data.

// sets values
  inputTextName: 'input value here',
  selectName: 'option here'

// sets single value
$('.form').inputValues('inputTextName', 'input value here');

4. Possible options to config the plugin.


  // the attribute used as the key
  attr: 'name', //defaults to 'name',

  // decide whether to include disabled fields
  includeDisabled: false

How to use it:


  • bug fix when setting a falsy value using name,value params

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by dantenetto. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.