Multifunctional Image Gallery Plugin For Mobile & Desktop - Galleria
File Size: | 103 KB |
Views Total: | 4968 |
Last Update: | |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |
Galleria is a robust, customizable, responsive and mobile-friendly jQuery image gallery plugin designed for both desktop and mobile.
Key features:
- Full responsive.
- Smart image delivery depending on screen size.
- Image loader.
- Allows for external data sources such as: Flickr (Demo), Picasa(Demo), Youtube/Vimeo videos, etc.
- Touch swipe events are supported.
- Thumbnail carousel.
- Autoplay.
- Fullscreen & popout mode.
- Fully extendable to add your own themes.
Basic usage:
1. Import the latest version of jQuery library and the jQuery Galleria plugin's script into the webpage.
<script src="jquery.js"></script> <script src="galleria.min.js"></script>
2. Add your own web content to the gallery.
<div id="galleria"> <a href="1.jpg"> <img src="thumb-1.jpg", data-big="thumb-big-1.jpg" data-title="Title 1" data-description="Description 1" > </a> <a href="2.jpg"> <img src="thumb-2.jpg", data-big="thumb-big-2.jpg" data-title="Title 2" data-description="Description 2" > </a> <a href="1.jpg"> <img src="thumb-3.jpg", data-big="thumb-big-3.jpg" data-title="Title 3" data-description="Description 3" > </a> ... </div>
3. Load the classic theme.
4. Initialize the gallery and done.
Galleria.configure({ autoplay: false, carousel: true, carouselFollow: true, carouselSpeed: 400, carouselSteps: 'auto', clicknext: false, dailymotion: { foreground: '%23EEEEEE', highlight: '%235BCEC5', background: '%23222222', logo: 0, hideInfos: 1 }, dataConfig : function( elem ) { return {}; }, dataSelector: 'img', dataSort: false, dataSource: this._target, debug: undef, dummy: undef, easing: 'galleria', // galleria, galleriaIn and galleriaOut extend: function(options) {}, fullscreenCrop: undef, fullscreenDoubleTap: true, fullscreenTransition: undef, height: 0, idleMode: true, idleTime: 3000, idleSpeed: 200, imageCrop: false, imageMargin: 0, imagePan: false, imagePanSmoothness: 12, imagePosition: '50%', imageTimeout: undef, initialTransition: undef, keepSource: false, layerFollow: true, lightbox: false, lightboxFadeSpeed: 200, lightboxTransitionSpeed: 200, linkSourceImages: true, maxScaleRatio: undef, maxVideoSize: undef, minScaleRatio: undef, overlayOpacity: 0.85, overlayBackground: '#0b0b0b', pauseOnInteraction: true, popupLinks: false, preload: 2, queue: true, responsive: true, show: 0, showInfo: true, showCounter: true, showImagenav: true, swipe: 'auto', // or 'disabled', 'enforced' theme: null, thumbCrop: true, thumbEventType: 'click:fast', thumbMargin: 0, thumbQuality: 'auto', thumbDisplayOrder: true, thumbPosition: '50%', thumbnails: true, touchTransition: undef, transition: 'fade', // or 'flash', 'pulse', 'slide', 'fadeslide' transitionSpeed: 400, trueFullscreen: true, useCanvas: false, variation: '', videoPoster: true, vimeo: { title: 0, byline: 0, portrait: 0, color: 'aaaaaa' }, wait: 5000, // 1.2.7 width: 'auto', youtube: { modestbranding: 1, autohide: 1, color: 'white', hd: 1, rel: 0, showinfo: 0 } });
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.