Radial Popup Menu With jQuery - ggExpandableOptions

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License: MIT
Radial Popup Menu With jQuery - ggExpandableOptions

ggExpandableOptions is a small and easy jQuery plugin for creating a radial popup menu that is arranged in a circle around the trigger button when toggled.

How to use it:

1. Include the stylesheet expandableOptions.css in the head of the document.

<link href="css/expandableOptions.css" rel="stylesheet">

2. Include the JavaScript expandableOptions.js after the latest jQuery (slim build is recommended).

<script src="https://code.jquery.com/jquery-3.3.1.slim.min.js" 
<script src="js/expandableOptions.js"></script>

3. Create the radila popup menu and add your own actions & images to menu items as follows:

<div class="expandableContainer">
  <ul id="optionsThreeId" class="expandableOptions">
    <li class="option" onclick="alert('option 1 clicked');" title="option 1" option-image="one.png"></li>
    <li class="option" onclick="alert('option 2 clicked');" title="option 2" option-image="two.png"></li>
    <li class="option" onclick="alert('option 3 clicked');" title="option 3" option-image="three.png"></li>
    <li class="option" onclick="alert('option 4 clicked');" title="option 4" option-image="four.png"></li>
    <li class="option" onclick="alert('option 5 clicked');" title="option 5" option-image="five.png"></li>
    <li class="option" onclick="alert('option 6 clicked');" title="option 6" option-image="six.png"></li>

4. Initialize the plugin and specify the path to trigger image & image folder.

$(document).ready(function () {


    // default: "./"
    imagesPath: "./img/",

    // default: ""
    expandImage: "noname.png"




This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by GGaritaJ. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.