Table Of Contents With Smooth Scroll - jQuery LongPageNavigation
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Views Total: | 1237 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

A jQuery plugin for content-rich webpages or single page webapp that automatically generates a menu list (table of contents) from all the <h2>
headling element within the document.
Clicking the anchor links within the menu list will smoothly scroll the page to their corresponding <h2>
elements using the jQuery animate()
How to use it:
1. Create an empty container in which you want to place the table of contents.
<div class="myLongNavigation"></div>
2. Include jQuery library and the jQuery LongPageNavigation plugin at the bottom of the webpage.
<script src="" integrity="sha384-nvAa0+6Qg9clwYCGGPpDQLVpLNn0fRaROjHqs13t4Ggj3Ez50XnGQqc/r8MhnRDZ" crossorigin="anonymous"> </script> <script src="LongPageNavigation.js"></script>
3. Call the function on the container element in which the plugin looks for all the <h2>
elements and specify the target element in which you want o generate the table of contents.
<div class="myContent"> <h2>Section 1</h2> ... <h2>Section 2</h2> ... <h2>Section 3</h2> </div>
$( ".myConteent" ).LongPageNavigation({ longPageNavigationPosition: "myLongNavigation" });
4. Done. The generated table of contents should look like this:
<div class="myLongNavigation"> <div class="longPageNavigationDiv"> <ul> <li><a href="#LongNavigation-0">Section 1</a></li> <li><a href="#LongNavigation-1">Section 2</a></li> <li><a href="#LongNavigation-2">Section 3</a></li> </ul> </div> </div>
5. The final step is to stylize the menu list using your own CSS.
.longPageNavigationDiv ul { /* your css */ } .longPageNavigationDiv:after { /* your css */ } .longPageNavigationDiv ul:after { /* your css */ } .longPageNavigationDiv li { /* your css */ } .longPageNavigationDiv li a { /* your css */ }
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by hariom15791. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.