Searchable Content Paginator For jQuery - FlexiblePaginationJS
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Views Total: | 7847 |
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Official Website: | Go to website |
License: | MIT |

An easy, flexible, searchable, and highly customizable content paginator with jQuery (or Vanilla JavaScript) that provides the convenient, client-side pagination functionality for long block elements.
Easy to customize using your own CSS. Compatible with the latest Bootstrap framework. Also supports AJAX content loading.
How to use it:
1. Download and put the JavaScript file Flexible.Pagination.js
on the web page.
<script src="Flexible.Pagination.js"></script>
2. Insert block elements into the webpage.
<div id="content"> <div class="item"> Item 1 </div> <div class="item"> Item 2 </div> <div class="item"> Item 3 </div> ... </div>
3. Create a container to hold the pagination links.
<div id="pagingControls"></div>
4. Create a search field to filter the block elements (OPTIONAL).
<input class="searchBox" placeholder="Search Something. E.g. jQueryScript">
5. Call the plugin to generate pagination links.
// jQuery var flexiblePagination = $('#content').flexiblePagination({ // options here }); // Vanilla JavaScript var flexiblePagination = new Flexible.Pagination(); flexiblePagination.pagingContainer = '#content';
6. All possible options to customize the paginator.
var flexiblePagination = $('#content').flexiblePagination({ // Selectors pagingControlsContainer: "#pagingControls", pagingContainer: "#content", itemSelector: ".item:visible", itemsPerPageSelector: ".itemPerPageDropDown", //Paragraphs Per Page searchBoxSelector: '.searchBox', showingInfoSelector: '.showingInfo', // How many items to display per page itemsPerPage: 1, // Current page currentPage: 1, // Search phrase searchPhrase: '', /** How many Page Number should be visible while navigating. Minimum allowed is 3 (previous, current & next) displayedPages: 10, // Show/hide control buttons showGotoFirst: true, showGotoLast: true, showPrevious: true, showNext: true, // All text can accept an icon using a <span> OR <i> tag. btnFirstText: "<<", btnLastText: ">>", btnNextText: ">", btnPreviousText: "<", // CSS properties css: { paginationLayout: "<style> " + pagingControlsContainer+" ul{display:inline, padding-left: 0.2em} " + pagingControlsContainer+" li{display:inline, padding-left: 0.2em}" + "</style>", btnNumberingClass: "btn btn-sm btn-primary", btnActiveClass: "btn btn-sm btn-default", btnFirstClass: btnNumberingClass, btnLastClass: btnNumberingClass, btnNextClass: btnNumberingClass, btnPreviousClass: btnNumberingClass, }, // data source dataSource: {}, // ajax data source ajax: { params: {}, url: '', } })
- update
- fixed search
- update searchbox
- JS Update
This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by debascoguy. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.