Simple Dashboard & Admin Panel Template With Bootstrap 4

File Size: 4.68 MB
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Official Website: Go to website
License: MIT
Simple Dashboard & Admin Panel Template With Bootstrap 4

A powerful, multi-purpose, jQuery and Bootstrap 4 based web templates & UI components for building professional, mobile-friendly dashboards & admin panels. Licensed under the Apache license 2.0.

Templates Included:

  • 404 page
  • 500 page
  • Blank page
  • Chart page
  • Dashboard page
  • Forgot Password page
  • Forms page
  • Login page
  • Permissions page
  • Roles page
  • Settings page
  • Sign up page
  • Tables page
  • Templage page
  • Users page

UI Components Included:

  • Alert
  • Badge
  • Button
  • Calendar
  • Card
  • WYSIWYG Editor
  • Date & Time Picker
  • Tabs


More Previews:

Dashboard & Admin Panel Template Login

Dashboard & Admin Panel Template 404

Dashboard & Admin Panel Template Calendar

Dashboard & Admin Panel Template User List

More Resources:



  • v2.1


  • v2.0


  • Updated bootstrap to version 4.5
  • Maintenance update for third party plugins
  • New default theme
  • New look for auth (login, signup, forgot password) pages

This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by alexis-luna. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.