Create Notifications In A Specific Container - Module Notification

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License: MIT
Create Notifications In A Specific Container - Module Notification

Module Notification is a JavaScript/jQuery plugin that helps you create and display notification messages in a container element you specify.


  • Support notification groups.
  • Custom notification icons based on Bootstrap Glyphicons.
  • Custom notification template.
  • Success/Warning/Notice/Error types.
  • Top or bottom position.
  • Auto dismisses after a timeout just like the toast.

How to use it:

1. Install and download the Module Notification plugin.

# Yarn
$ yarn add module-notification

$ npm install module-notification --save

2. Add references to the Module Notification plugin's JavaScript and CSS files.

<!-- Bootstrap Glyphicons are included in this file -->
<link rel="stylesheet" href="">
<!-- jQuery library is required -->
<script src="/path/to/jquery.min.js"></script>

3. Create a container element in which the notification message will display.

<div id="notiContainer">

4. Create a new module notification instance.

let myMNModule = new MNModule({
    container: "#notifications"

5. Display your notification in the container element using the pushNotif method.

let myNotif = myMNModule.pushNotif({
    title: "Notification Title",
    message: "Notification Message"

6. Create a notification group. Set the greedy option to true in case you'd like to have only one elements to display at a time.

  name: "myGroup",
  greedy: false

7. Default module options.

let myMNModule = new MNModule({

    // target container
    container: "#notifications",

    //e.g. (number) => { console.debug("Number of notifications", number); },
    onNotifsNumberChange: undefined,
    // or "fromBottom"
    direction: "fromTop"

8. Customize the notification using the following options.

let myNotif = myMNModule.pushNotif({

    // notification title
    title: "",

    // notification message
    message: "",

    // auto dismiss after 5000ms
    closeCond: 5000,

    // group name
    group: "common",

    // custom template
    // e.g. function(title, message) { return "<span>" + title + "</span>"; }
    template: undefined,

    // Bootstrap Glyphicons name
    // e.g. "ok-sign"
    icon: undefined,

    //"notice", "warning", "error", "success"
    type: "notice" 



This awesome jQuery plugin is developed by vadimkorr. For more Advanced Usages, please check the demo page or visit the official website.