jQuery Table Plugins
Download Free jQuery Data Table, Data Grid, Table Sort, and other Table Manipulation plugins at our jQuery Table Plugin section. Page 4 .
Sort Tables Alphabetically - jQuery sortableTable.js
- Table - 2690 ViewsA basic, fast jQuery sortable table plugin that makes it possible to sort the columns in an HTML table alphabetically by clicking headers.
Convert HTML Tables Into Excel - jQuery excelExport
- Table - 2856 ViewsAn ultra-light Table To Excel converter that allows the visitor to export and download your table data as an XLS file.
Convert Table To List In Mobile View - Table To List
- Table - 3205 ViewsA jQuery responsive table plugin that improves the readability of large tables in mobile view by converting them into lists.
Any Data Sorter In jQuery - fakeTableSort.js
- Table - 806 ViewsA fast, jQuery based data sorter that can be used to sort any data structure similar to table elements, not just HTML tables.
Merge Adjacent Rows With Same Data - jQuery row-merge
- Table - 4566 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin to merge table cells with the same data (and with colspan attribute) in adjacent rows.
Sortable Draggable Dynamic Table Plugin - JSIronTable
- Table - 5766 ViewsJSIronTable is a jQuery based dynamic table generator plugin that provides an easy way of adds a sortable & draggable data table to your web app.
Create Dynamic CRUD Bootstrap Tables With BSTable Plugin
- Table - 29889 ViewsBSTable is a dynamic jQuery CRUD table plugin that enables you to add/remove/update/edit tabular data in an HTML table.
Performant Virtual Table Plugin For jQuery - lazyTable
- Table - 3667 ViewsThe jQuery virtual table plugin displays a huge amount of rows in your scrollable HTML table, while delaying the loading of table rows until they are visible in the viewport.
Make Long Table Scrollable - jQuery tableBodyScroll.js
- Table - 1413 ViewsA touch-friendly jQuery Scrollable Table plugin that provides better readability and saves screen space when presenting a long HTML table on your cross-device web app.
Paginate, Filter, And Sort Dynamic Data In A Table - Table Sortable
- Table - 97314 ViewsThe Table Sortable jQuery plugin helps you render a customizable dynamic data table from JSON or JavaScript objects, with paginate, live filter, and data sort capabilities.
Sort Table Data By Selected Column - jQuery tableSortable
- Table - 7010 ViewsA lightweight and fast sortable table jQuery plugin that allows for quick sorting of table columns by clicking header cells.
Responsive Table Solution For jQuery - TableCards.js
- Table - 1982 ViewsA jQuery based responsive table solution for making your wide HTML tables mobile friendly.
jQuery Plugin For Displaying A Tree Of Data In A Table - treetable
- Table - 60943 Viewstreetable is a lightweight jquery plugin that allows you to display a tree of data in an HTML table that's good for creating a directory structure or a nested list.
Customizable Drag-and-Drop Table Sorting Plugin - jQuery TableDnD
- Table - 15793 ViewsTableDnD is a simple yet highly customizable jQuery table sorting plugin which enables you to reorder table rows using drag and drop.
Create Editable Tables with jQuery And Bootstrap - Bootstable
- Table - 77126 ViewsJust another jQuery plugin for editable Bootstrap tables which allow you to edit table cells on client side and remove the entire table row by clicking on the 'delete' button.
Apply Filter To Each Column Of An HTML Table - Filter.js
- Table - 32773 ViewsA super tiny (less than 1kb) table filtering plugin to generate a search field for each column of your HTML table that enables the user to filter through your tabular data in a convenient way.
Multiple Selection For Checkboxes - shiftMultiSelect.js
- Form - 2977 ViewsA tiny jQuery plugin that allows the user to select/deselect multiple rows in an HTML table by holding the Shift key and clicking associated checkboxes.
0.4kb Fast Table Filter Plugin - jQuery filter-table.js
- Table - 3263 ViewsA super tiny (0.4kb minified) jQuery table filter plugin to quickly search table rows & filter tabular data based on user input.
Filter Table Rows By Cell Values - jQuery Table Filter
- Table - 7089 ViewsA jQuery table filter plugin that allows users to filter tabular data by keywords typed in a search field or by cell values specified in filter links.
Duplicate & Remove Table Rows With jQuery - patuta-js
- Table - 2970 Viewspatuta-js is a super tiny table manipulation jQuery plugin created to duplicate and remove rows in an HTML table.